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For real, we used to be a country with pride. Now we’re just a country that can’t swallow it’s pride if that makes sense...
Ahsamed? Or embarrassed. 16 years of two horrible men in the white house made way for entitled boys and girls to run wild. It's a new term hopefully people grow up once they realize what's at stake.

Both ashamed and embarrassed it’s nothing like it was for me growing up here anymore

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For real, we used to be a country with pride. Now we’re just a country that can’t swallow it’s pride if that makes sense...

We now are a pussified nation. Catering to the snowflakes , cry babies, and to nations without a backbone. A generation of "Entitled" youth, that have no understanding what it means to earn a days wages and taking pride in a hard day of work. Makes me sad and makes my blood boil at times when I see kids disrespect their elders. A nation that thinks it has broad shoulders that can bare the weight of every nations problem, but refuses to carter to our own problems. We are laughed at by saber rattling countries, and dismissed by countries under communist rule. We do have pride, but our Gov't refuses to let it show....wouldn't want to offend all those snowflakes and ruin a re-election for them sitting on the hill.
BTW...Good morning from the

We now are a pussified nation. Catering to the snowflakes , cry babies, and to nations without a backbone. A generation of "Entitled" youth, that have no understanding what it means to earn a days wages and taking pride in a hard day of work. Makes me sad and makes my blood boil at times when I see kids disrespect their elders. A nation that thinks it has broad shoulders that can bare the weight of every nations problem, but refuses to carter to our own problems. We are laughed at by saber rattling countries, and dismissed by countries under communist rule. We do have pride, but our Gov't refuses to let it show....wouldn't want to offend all those snowflakes and ruin a re-election for them sitting on the hill.

Well fucking said! But I believe our pride has gotten us where we’re at with having too much pride thinking we can carry the weight we do then think we don’t have a problem in our own country so let’s take care of everyone else’s problems when it’s clear we have the biggest problems of them all. We can’t even care for our own people, our soldiers, the homeless, our youth, the elderly! It’s sad to think of what this sense of self entitlement has gotten to, when I was a kid I shoveled 20-30 driveways a week for 2 dollars a driveway, mowed lawns for 5 bucks a lawn no matter any size, I got dirty, I played rough, I got hurt jumping sweet homemade ramps using plywood and milk crates, knew how to use a metal ice tray, hand crank can opener, cook for myself and not once ever complained about the way life is or was hell I knew there was homeless people and bad people as well but the shit today is just getting out of hand and now then all I hear from anyone is complaining on how life could be better, I just wanna choke em and tell em don’t wait for it to become better go and make it better now! “Our land tis of thee...”

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