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Hey you know what happened to Samson when Delilah got hold of a pair of shears !! :dancer:

Now Samson and the lion, they got in a tack,
Samson he crawled up on the lion's back.
You read about this lion, he killed a man with his paws,
But Samson got his hands around that lion's jaws.

He ripped the beast till he killed him dead.
The bees made honey in the lion's head.

If I had my way, if I had my way, if I had my way,
I would tear this old building down.

I have these oral syringes that are adjustable with a twist lock pulling the perfect dose every time without overdosing it. Those made life easy for me! I use a pipit to draw up the mammoth p. I used so many of those in science and chemistry I can draw up a perfect .6 in the early stages then the 1ml once aggressive growth occurs.

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I just measure a 1/3 of a cup part a&B and add whatever else I figure and hope it makes a 300ppm solution. Or adds 300 PPM to my rez.. I hate doing mil-measureing for some reason, I get close enough for hand grenades. I eyeball everything, capfulls of calmag or ph up/down. I know about a half cap pH down will move me down .1 pH ... lol
LOL.... You get DIY points! I was thinking of using mesh wastebaskets with wal mart bag liners. I think it will work every bit as good or better. I will likely never bother with dirt growing for weed though. nute mixing and watering schedules suck.

Drop the dirt and try some soil :thumbsup: Nute mixing does suck..A little straw mulch on your soil surface will cut down on your watering as well.

I just measure a 1/3 of a cup part a&B and add whatever else I figure and hope it makes a 300ppm solution. Or adds 300 PPM to my rez.. I hate doing mil-measureing for some reason, I get close enough for hand grenades. I eyeball everything, capfulls of calmag or ph up/down. I know about a half cap pH down will move me down .1 pH ... lol

I use a count method when I pour my ph down. I’ll barely tip it and count to a quick 3 and it takes my ph from high 7’s close to 8 down to about 6.5ish but when I’m adding nutes i don’t have to worry bout downing or upping the ph it comes out to 6.5ish when all said and done.

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I'm still trying to figure out my issue. I get a spike when adding nutes to the rez regardless of how careful I am with pH. Especially if I'm adding calmag. The only 100 % effective solution is to drain it first, but I hate wasting so much h20 & nutrient. I'd like to have a waste tank to grow veggies from. That may be the quest for this spring
I was only putting in ff grow big, calmag, floralicious plus, and mammoth p and it’d be around 6.5, this mornings feeding was a back to back feeding from Tuesday using ff grow big, ff tiger bloom, calmag, floralicious plus, and mammoth p water hit around 6.5 again. We’ll see if it shows the same measure next week when I exclude the grow big and just use tiger bloom, calmag, floralicious plus and mammoth p.

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