Quite a few people grow hot peppers in grow tents
Although these aren't hot peppers (well, one is a jalapeno, and they are pretty hot for being just a jalapeno), they seem to LOVE the climate-controlled environment.. Even though it's not super-warm in the grow (gotta find a happy-medium), the humidity is low, and they have PLENTY of light, with each one having an AutoCOB.. They coexist well with weed, as I think they make the weed plants jealous.. Purely speculation at this point..
I did this (and totally didn't grab my habanero plant that was doing awesome) because we got a hard-frost a couple weeks ago, and I wanted to NOT have to deal with starting peppers inside again in February, and then waiting until July.. I can just keep these growing inside and prune them back as I need to.. That way, I have an assortment of peppers in the winter!!
Also, the black-ish looking pepper is on a plant called "Carnival peppers". They're bell peppers that come out in 4 different colors on the same plant; purple, orange, white and green. The green versions look almost fluorescent!! When it gets bigger, I'll take a better picture next to a green bell pepper for contrast!!
I am glad you added "for other members of the house." I started getting paranoid when it was in my house, and my GF started not being able to sleep. One night the cops were out to the neighbors for a Jerry Springer episode and she stopped wanting to even come over here. It was a huge problem for both of us. It was all the motivation I needed to build a super secure, light proof, automated space in another building. And that required saving money, gear, construction materials, and labor.
It came together quick, but it's surprising what you can do if faced with not having your lady in your bedroom ever again!
Funny story about this; the wife and I met about 5yrs ago, kinda knew we were gonna marry each other, so after about 6ish months, I had her move in with me, but I told her before she moved in, "I have just recently started growing weed.. I hope that doesn't bother you.." Reluctantly, she said she was fine with it.. One day when she got home from work, she ran into the house and said, "Oh my god, I can smell the weed outside!!!!" I laughed and thought it was cool, until she told me she could smell it downstairs in the parking lot.. I thought she was being paranoid until 2 days later, I got outta my truck and said, "Awww hey, someone's smoking weed, cool!" Until the smell got stronger and stronger, the closer I got to the apartment... Mortified, I opened the door and sure enough, it was seriously stinky.. Ran to the local hydro store, got me a fan and a filter and threw it in the tent with great success.. Only problem, was what was I gonna tell people the tent was, in my bedroom?? Was it a wardrobe tent?? Was it a, "suburban indoor camping tent"? No idea, but the wife stayed quiet and only the closest of my closest friends knew I was growing.. Now, shit doesn't matter much, so long as I don't go over plant-count, but honestly, unless the neighbors are shitty and are waiting to fuck me over for something, I could hardly see it being much a problem here since it's legal now..
Just hope they don't do something drastic like limiting people growing at home.. That would really burn my ass, and would more than likely become clandestine, again............... Let's hope it doesn't get to that!!