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>> Cotton, I think I saw your plant earlier-?,.. looked overly green, like borderline N-tox green,... this will also inhibit proper bud formation, especially if the PK is not high enough as well,... Also, that's a Haze, which in original form, would finish in late Nov.- early December! :nono: I live very close to Santa Cruz, where Haze was born in the mountains during late '70's,...I can hardly believe that plant even made it in this climate! .... she has a mix of landrace Sativa's in her; these plants, especially Thai, form open, airy buds,... foxtailing seems to be more of an artifact of indoor life, but some of these Sativa's can still make narrow stacks of bracts, which is what makes them "airy",....

>> Cotton, I think I saw your plant earlier-?,.. looked overly green, like borderline N-tox green,... this will also inhibit proper bud formation, especially if the PK is not high enough as well,... Also, that's a Haze, which in original form, would finish in late Nov.- early December! :nono: I live very close to Santa Cruz, where Haze was born in the mountains during late '70's,...I can hardly believe that plant even made it in this climate! .... she has a mix of landrace Sativa's in her; these plants, especially Thai, form open, airy buds,... foxtailing seems to be more of an artifact of indoor life, but some of these Sativa's can still make narrow stacks of bracts, which is what makes them "airy",....

I used to have a Santa Cruz skateboard when i was a kid :D
Okay so here we are....the Photoperiod entries are all in and ready to vote on!! Due to the limited entries, i have changed the voting option to 2 votes instead of 3 for each of the 2 Photoperiod polls.
Photoperiod Dry Bud Voting
Photoperiod Live bud Voting

Also time is running out for the Outoodr voting phase...only a few more days left, so if you havent got your votes in, now it the time!!
Auto Live Bud
Auto Dried Bud
Autoflower Votes will be limited to 3 per voter, and votes will be tallied up at the end and both the live and dried bud results will be added together to crown the outdoor auto champion.

Every voter that stops by and also puts down a comment on either of the voting threads, will receive maximum reputation from me as a thanks for helping to support out sun grow ladies.
And a good Monday morning A.F.N. :thumbsup:
best thing.jpg

>> Cotton, I think I saw your plant earlier-?,.. looked overly green, like borderline N-tox green,... this will also inhibit proper bud formation, especially if the PK is not high enough as well,... Also, that's a Haze, which in original form, would finish in late Nov.- early December! :nono: I live very close to Santa Cruz, where Haze was born in the mountains during late '70's,...I can hardly believe that plant even made it in this climate! .... she has a mix of landrace Sativa's in her; these plants, especially Thai, form open, airy buds,... foxtailing seems to be more of an artifact of indoor life, but some of these Sativa's can still make narrow stacks of bracts, which is what makes them "airy",....
Thanks I've given her the PK 13 14 and also the HPK from Roots she still looks n tox lol but the buds are if you look closely and touching them getting very tight a few are airy my main concern is quality, if she Finnish with a good strong High for me I will be happy. Having said all that she has been a beautiful plant to grow and the pot is a 5gallon and the roots has it completely full hairy roots coming out the top and bottom of pot and all the way to all side's
Good morning/afternoon/evening fellow grow bros and grow sisters! Britney wanted to show you how fat she’s getting! Put almost a little over half gallon of water and mammoth p through her and man she’s a hog barely any run off. And who remembers Bridget? Well I thought she was done for due to neglect but after one feeding with nutes and a booster she rose from the dead! She was droopy leaves were dying and literally came back to life after a good feeding followed by a watering.
britney day 29 sorry bout the lighting the lights just kicked on.
bridget, age-forgot lol

P.s. before watering the gals I stuck my fingers in the soil all around as you should, it helps me determine where I pour water as well. But anywho as I was doing this in Britney’s pot I could feel thick straw width roots everywhere all throughout the pot! I can definitely say this gal has established herself very well!

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Great doobie tune and video LOL

I've seen hundreds, possibly thousands of concerts/shows (one of the perks of living outside a major city that's known for music acts), and Moby was hands-down one of the best shows I've ever been to, honestly because I was expecting solely electronic, but he came with a band, played jazz, hip hop, blues, some rock and just blew me away!!! I wasn't a big fan before then, but I am now!!! I think they played for almost 3hrs that night!!!

Has anyone who's grown DP's ThinkDifferent, did any of you guys have a quick finisher?? One of my 2 looks like it's getting a little deficient until I took a better look this morning and most of the pistils are orange, so I'm wondering if the plant is just finishing up.. I didn't check the trichs yet because I have to move some stuff around to get in there, and if I do that, I'm just gonna water them all while I'm at it.. Her sister is next to her, looking like she still has a few weeks left, but this one looks about done!! Pictures don't do much justice, unfortunately.. Started these back around the first week of September.. That also means that my AutoUltimates are probably gonna EASILY blow past 100 days, but look amazing!!! One of them is over 3ft tall and just loaded with budsites.. The other is a little more stocky, but still, amazing bud production thus far!!! 4 of the 5 Dinafem WWXXLs are almost 3ft tall and all look very similar.. Things are getting exciting!!

Looking good GodamJT . Here's one of my Mephito's Creme Bubbly ( I have 6 more ) at day 67 . 50/50 cloudy/clear . I think the buds are small or am I guilty of over expectations again . :nono:
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