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I have had almost the exact opposite luck with Ford.. Driving my 3rd Ranger (first 1 was not 4wd and was super basic transportation, 2nd I traded in for an F150).. I put 140k miles on the F150 with the only issue having been a small wiring gremlin that I fixed in the driveway with some tape and wire loom.. I got rid of the F150 because I was commuting over 120 miles a day, some times 7 days a week, and the gas money was killing me!!! I wish I still had that truck; most reliable vehicle I ever owned.. My Mustangs were pretty solid too, especially with the abuse they took!!! My first car was a GM and my parents had had a couple GM products over the years, but they always somehow didn't work out.. I've had a lot of cars in my relatively short life (17 cars/trucks, 1 motorcycle), as I used to be a mechanic and would buy cheap cars and fix them up.. Now, as I've gotten older and my body doesn't appreciate crawling underneath something for hours on end, I prefer reliability and such.. My next vehicle, will hopefully be one of the last vehicles I'll ever own.. Hopefully... lol

In other news.. It's fucking Friday... This week sorta dragged on quite a bit.. A couple plants are starting to show signs of deficiencies, but I think some of it has to do with a little lower pH than I'd like.. Some of the affected pots are in the low 6.3-6.5 range, so instead of trying to add lime now, I may add some liquid silica to the water, as I had learned that trick in hydro that if you don't wanna add a lot of "pH UP", add some extra silica and it should bring it back up..

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You gotta convert to Toyota man :biggrin: best dam vehicle on the road today . I've owned 3 of them the most recent Toyota Tacoma truck and will never buy an North America made vehicle again . This is also my last vehicle . :thumbsup:
I had the same issue with my plants but when I posted it here no body responded . Where were you when I needed you . :pighug:
You gotta convert to Toyota man :biggrin: best dam vehicle on the road today . I've owned 3 of them the most recent Toyota Tacoma truck and will never buy an North America made vehicle again . This is also my last vehicle . :thumbsup:

American cars are the best!! :p


Morning :coffee:
You gotta convert to Toyota man :biggrin: best dam vehicle on the road today . I've owned 3 of them the most recent Toyota Tacoma truck and will never buy an North America made vehicle again . This is also my last vehicle . :thumbsup:
I had the same issue with my plants but when I posted it here no body responded . Where were you when I needed you . :pighug:

Sorry @1939bear !!! I've been wicked busy lately as the wife and I are hopefully in the process of closing on a house, amid all the other stuff going on this time of year.. I believe the deficiency to be either a Zinc/Molybendeum/micros/mineral, so I'm gonna use this powdered micro/mineral supplement that includes humic/fulvic acids..

And for cars.. I've owned 3 Hondas, and loved them all, but believe it or not, all of my Fords have been more reliable than the Hondas, the Volvo, the Mitsubishi or the Pontiac.. Only thing I've owned more reliable was the motorcycle, but unfortunately, shitty drivers are the reason I can't have nice things, I guess!!! lol

Sorry @1939bear !!! I've been wicked busy lately as the wife and I are hopefully in the process of closing on a house, amid all the other stuff going on this time of year.. I believe the deficiency to be either a Zinc/Molybendeum/micros/mineral, so I'm gonna use this powdered micro/mineral supplement that includes humic/fulvic acids..

And for cars.. I've owned 3 Hondas, and loved them all, but believe it or not, all of my Fords have been more reliable than the Hondas, the Volvo, the Mitsubishi or the Pontiac.. Only thing I've owned more reliable was the motorcycle, but unfortunately, shitty drivers are the reason I can't have nice things, I guess!!! lol

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No apology necessary I should have done more research on my own . You see you never tried a Toyota :nono: I would loved to own a bike when I was younger but now it's like a death request to ride around here were I live . Traffic is crazy and the fuck you attitude of other drivers is scary . :yoinks: P.S. Good luck with the closing . :thumbsup:
My GF has a Tacoma, I borrow it once in a while. It's a nice truck. I'll still keep my Chevy though.

I'm having pH problems too. It's the damn CalMag. I can pH the mix I add to the rez, but the calmag reacts with that too, raising the pH. It can take a few hours to fix it. I seem to have stunted two of four seedlings this way because I took the first pH measurement as truth. I have never added calmag till I boost up the whole rez to veg strength before. Ooops. should have waited.
Public Service Announcement !!

Huge recall on fire extinguishers in the US. If you have an indoor garden please check and make sure your extinguisher isn't on the list. If you don't own one...go buy one ! Nuff said. :shooty:

Saw this on the news this AM as well. Checked out both mine and looks like mine in the garage is a different brand but the one in the kitchen is the Kidde one with the plastic handle that's likely affected. Can't get their web site to come up to verify, probably too busy and overloaded.

I agree...if you don't have one, get one. Cheapest insurance you can have around. And you never know where it'll be needed. Mine are different brands because the original one in the kitchen got used when the 220V plug for the dryer had a sudden short out and melt down one evening (vibrations from the washer pushing the dryer up against the plug over time had cracked the plastic). Wasn't doing anything hazardous that night, just a regular evening visiting with family with a load of clothes drying when everyone started smelling smoke. So good to have one around...just in case. :smoking:

This morning's PSA brought to you by Mary Jane, inc.

Goooooood morning AFN!!!!!

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