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Ugh...too much leftover candy. Had a big ole' bowl ready for trick or treaters and a couple spare bags in case up in the cupboard. And...the door bell rang a whopping four whole times the entire evening.

Gooooooood morning AFN!!!!

humm, turn candy into alcohol?
transformation, lol
cool, were these neighbors in the hood before they moved in with you?
there all native bearded dragons are everywhere where I live but the gecko down south a bit more to find them in the wild
not aloud to take em from the bush big fines got have lic bah bah bah you know how it go's
evening all :pass:

I thought the cbd would be lacking a "high", not quite the case though. I get a strong buzzed stone for a short period of time, then it's gone. Relaxed but not lethargic, after awhile systemic relaxation, now it's time to work on the back. I can easily adjust my spine, wayward parts clicked back in, let the healing begin!
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