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Good afternoon stoners~ :D

Shit I passed out this morning haha.
Oh hot damn! Well I won't be growing in the summer.. she gets warm here, I'm talking like.. we can hit low 40's would be like walking into an oven in summer, atleast I'll be able to get a few autos going late in spring, i wish the night time temps didn't drop so bad, -4 degrees lately or id grow em now, spouse it gives me time to prep the garbed beds.
That's really smart using the cabin as a heatsink, I'm looking at buying my first house next year.. and I'm keeping that in mind!
start em undercover?, move em out before too hot?
Hey folks, shame I missed the interview, I needed to catch up from where I left off with the solstice party. Looks like Joel @RemoNutrients did us proud though! What a great guy!
It was so fun. We grilled him, till he couldn't type. We were all medicated and groovin. And its on Amazon. Good times
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