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First dab was the warm up. It dib. Now it's the DAB
Better get the nail good n hot.
This will hurt a little. But trust me. Itl feel better then it'll feel really good. Then really really good and you will want to do it again.
Thanks man. They both are blast. I love going to work.

Purely a joke bro. It is the best! :d5:
Oh wooot jokes are the best!! I bet it is awesome! and best job ever! yeah I too love my LHD subbie, no RHD here! :d5: is there the subbie owner nod where you live too? When you pass each other driving?
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Having a great time, and I was honored by the privilege of participating in Mo's contest with such lovely human ladies
I second that! I hope every one enjoyed looking haha I know I do, and thanks to the other guys.. we've got some pretty sick chicks :headbang:
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