We call money things like , dosh, moola, bread, dough, bacon as in bringing home the bacon, bank as in I made bank.
A lady godiva is cockney for a fiver (£5)
here's how to remember cockney slang for different amounts of money.
A Cockney knows all about money
Cos its what make his world go around
But he doesn’t say money, he says
Bees and Honey
When talking about pennies and pounds
A pound in the Smoke is a
A hundred of them make a
And what rhymes with Nicker but old
Alan Whicker
And that’s just the start of the fun
Next we have
Lady Godiva
That’s a fiver to you and to me
Three fivers add up to a
Cos that’s three times a Lady you see?
A tenner is known as a
And that comes from
Cockerel and Hen
A score is two tenners, or two
Ayrton Sennas
By the way can you give us a lend?
A ten and three fives make a
Or twenty-five quid to be plain
That’s just about right to go out Friday night
And on Saturday come home again
Five times a ton is a
Five hundred quid right on the button
Don’t ask me to lend it, I don’t recommend it
When asked for a loan I go
Two Monkeys add up to a grand
One thousand of our English pounds
A nice wodge of cash (known as
Bangers and Mash)
Though not quite as grand as it sounds
But that isn’t all there is to it
There are many more rhymes to be learned
Though one thing that’s funny when it comes to money
It’s spent just as soon as it’s earned