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Awesome....was hoping for an ounce and a bit dry from the last auto i took down Awhite widow CBD, and i got 41 grams even. Lots of buzz in tincture from that, and hopefully lots of pain relief!! Not bad at all for a mere 8 hours of direct light!!
View attachment 791121
good work, I wish my yield estimates rolled over like this, hehe
It is a funny word, sounds abit like squid!
We have gold coloured 1 pound coins and bi-colours 2 pound coins, the pounds i call golden nuggets or just nuggets and the 2 pound Dubloons.
In canada they have 1 & 2 dollar coins which they call Loonies and toonies.
People call money some weird names, doe the states have any odd names for their coins?

Hmmm... Dollars we call "Bucks" or "Bills" I've heard $5, $10, & $20 called "Spots" ex 5 spot... 10 spot lol. $100 I've heard called "C notes" that's what the mint calls them lol

Pennies, dimes, nickels, quarters... All pretty standard... Can't think of more lol
funny you say...
I now have a direction to take my book "but what do I know"... along with chapter 6 "only in Oregon- life of a dankstyle"
where I visit @dankstyle J and discuss various things

I'm terrible at finishing things though... so this one may be awhile

but seriously.. I don't think there is.. there is like scientific study papers from the 20's or something

oh and interesting thing I seen yesterday ..
a doctor said he has cured Lyme dieses with CBD oil.. cool
Hahaha awesome definitely cool ,I pretty much smoke nonstop so at times the conversation could get trippy but ain't life ,Oregons a cool place ,one a the few that would name a park complete with a statue of the great merry prankster icon Ken kesey reading books to kids ,that further bus really did travel down these roads always started here ,even good ol jack herer lived an died here ,kinda crazy Oregon ain't known for much but trees and forests ,doesn't have the rep like Humboldt or trinity but we get down our own way gotta love the pacific northwest.
Hmmm... Dollars we call "Bucks" or "Bills" I've heard $5, $10, & $20 called "Spots" ex 5 spot... 10 spot lol. $100 I've heard called "C notes" that's what the mint calls them lol

Pennies, dimes, nickels, quarters... All pretty standard... Can't think of more lol
nice one rebel :d5:
bit of a strange topic, it all started because someone from the Uk mentioned a Quid which is slang for a pound (£):cheers:
Heard a tail once on were the term "bucks" came from.... apparently 1 buck was worth just that, 1 buckskin. Could be fact, or fiction, but kinda a cool story.
I like it Arthur and that's the sort of story you could easily believe too.
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