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View attachment 701371
above is some full spectrum high CBD hemp extract. :) quality and high potency enough in my book.

There are some Hemp Oil outfits might as well be selling snake oil. That's why I was happy to see a legitimate outfit show up here. I don't claim to be an expert. So before I looked into the Hemp CBD oils that are now many, I asked experts.
My first real exposure to CBD information was in the Sanjay Gupta documentary where he publicly denounced his life long objections and now supports MMJ. He toured the grow operation that developed what became Charlottes Web, They grew medical marijuana, not commercial hemp.
I'm open minded .
I see there is benefit from hemp grade. But am told it is better from MMJ.
A good subject for some knowledgeable debate. I'd read or listen to it. The numbers on your chart are certainly impressive and maybe my statement was rash. I would certainly change my wording with a little convincing that the CBD from hemp is naturally as potent as that from higher THC content MJ. That CBD is equal if in equal percentage, regardless of the source.
Hey there! New here, new to autos! I posted about people's experiences with trimming their autos, and like anything else I've researched, the general rule of thumb is seemingly "do whatever. it'll work or not." So, I trimmed my 2 ladies pretty savagely. Took off ALL the hand-sized leaves and froze them for later consumption. That was not too long ago, and here's the updated pictures! I've done some MAJOR LST on them as well (cotton twine, natural dyes, I'm a hippie type, don't want anything crazy in my meds). You can see how there's a very distinctive band of yellowing below the current "top", which was from LED burn. Raised the lights and started LST, and the tops are all growing again, bright green. No nutrients other than worm tea and molasses, and the soil is my own "super soil" with only "organics" in it. DO1.jpg HO1.jpg

So, given people have a metric crap-ton more experience than I, how long would one guess there is left on these? They were popped from seed on Dec 1, and showed sex about 3 weeks later. And nope, not a clue what strain they are. Seeds from a medical farm up here in the frosty north.
There are some Hemp Oil outfits might as well be selling snake oil. That's why I was happy to see a legitimate outfit show up here. I don't claim to be an expert. So before I looked into the Hemp CBD oils that are now many, I asked experts.
My first real exposure to CBD information was in the Sanjay Gupta documentary where he publicly denounced his life long objections and now supports MMJ. He toured the grow operation that developed what became Charlottes Web, They grew medical marijuana, not commercial hemp.
I'm open minded .
I see there is benefit from hemp grade. But am told it is better from MMJ.
A good subject for some knowledgeable debate. I'd read or listen to it. The numbers on your chart are certainly impressive and maybe my statement was rash. I would certainly change my wording with a little convincing that the CBD from hemp is naturally as potent as that from higher THC content MJ. That CBD is equal if in equal percentage, regardless of the source.
I read exactly the same thing that hemp based cbd was not as good as cannabis based cbd . Dumbass me was going to ask the question at the interview but I didn't want to embarrasse our guest .:biggrin:
What strain are they? Hard to say from the pics, but I'd guess 3-4 weeks to go at least.

Hey there! New here, new to autos! I posted about people's experiences with trimming their autos, and like anything else I've researched, the general rule of thumb is seemingly "do whatever. it'll work or not." So, I trimmed my 2 ladies pretty savagely. Took off ALL the hand-sized leaves and froze them for later consumption. That was not too long ago, and here's the updated pictures! I've done some MAJOR LST on them as well (cotton twine, natural dyes, I'm a hippie type, don't want anything crazy in my meds). You can see how there's a very distinctive band of yellowing below the current "top", which was from LED burn. Raised the lights and started LST, and the tops are all growing again, bright green. No nutrients other than worm tea and molasses, and the soil is my own "super soil" with only "organics" in it. View attachment 701410 View attachment 701411

So, given people have a metric crap-ton more experience than I, how long would one guess there is left on these? They were popped from seed on Dec 1, and showed sex about 3 weeks later. And nope, not a clue what strain they are. Seeds from a medical farm up here in the frosty north.
if the CBD is being extracted properly, there should be zero difference, its all the same cannabinoid and the same plant, just a strain difference.

I read exactly the same thing that hemp based cbd was not as good as cannabis based cbd . Dumbass me was going to ask the question at the interview but I didn't want to embarrasse our guest .:biggrin:
well if those are no name strains they are most likely they are not autos. probably photo periods and they need to be switched to 12-12 times on lights to induce flowering more imo. and they'll need to be feed some like soon too. I would get a solid top coating going with a tea feed or some such. thats what I would do.

a tall rooted plant like that in a smaller pot verses the size will have a TOUGH TOUGH time taking up foods. youll need a surfactant (castile soap,yucca extract or similar) with whatever feed you decide to do. also a soaking of the pot works incredibly well too if the water or food/feeds dont soak in well. or you have dry sockets underneath. thats my personal take on what Im seeing :) Welcome man!
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