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Great to see you back Elle!
More female members is awesome, I think you and the other female members, should recruit more women growers in our ranks!
Lmao Daglocks is what we used to call them , is it a generic term or is it just for sheep?

seems like we are getting more fem members, a good sign!
Shaman says.........MAGIC is in the air.......Fri March 10 Midnight GMT......
come to the pre-interview party before the pumpkin turns
Great to see you back Elle!
More female members is awesome, I think you and the other female members, should recruit more women growers in our ranks!
Lmao Daglocks is what we used to call them , is it a generic term or is it just for sheep?
Cheers arty! I think it used to be just sheep, but now is used with reference to long haired animals of any type (and in my house for grown up children who won't leave home :crying:)!

I certainly would recruit more, if I knew any! Sadly though, it's just not something that's talked about due to the legality of the situation so while there may be more, I wouldn't know where to start looking for them. No tell, no smell, no sell etc etc.
Hey thanks man. I appreciate everyone's help. If I knew how to tag people i would. They have been very helpful so far with allot of things, and the forums are even very helpful. Just getting the hang of it is the hardest part lol.

Chow. :baked:
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