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Just sent a page 420 slap your way :slap:


Don't think this one will be popular, but do any of you ever go through periods of NOT smoking/vaping/medicating? I haven't in YEARS, but yesterday, my evening routine (I'm a night time toker) was shot to heck and I just went to sleep "au natural" as it were. CRAZY intense dreams, but this morning I woke up clearer-headed than I have in a LONG time. Everything was muted for the whole day, though. Like looking through a film of plastic. I'm debating making it two nights in a row. Does anyone do this? Sort of a hiatus in the activity? I have no intention of stopping completely, I like it too much, and it helps my anxiety and depressive states TOO much to stop entirely. Lorazepam, Xanax, Valium... NONE of them even hold a CANDLE to cannabis, for me, in particular.

I'll let you know in a week, @Big_Cricket . Getting ready to go through it myself. Going out of town road tripping for a week, and since it's not legal outside of CO and I'm paranoid about 'em targeting CO plates I'm leaving it at home. Soooooo...going pretty much cold turkey for at least two days until I make it out to Portland. May find a shop in OR and pick up a joint or two depending on how I feel at that point. :baked:
Don't think this one will be popular, but do any of you ever go through periods of NOT smoking/vaping/medicating? I haven't in YEARS, but yesterday, my evening routine (I'm a night time toker) was shot to heck and I just went to sleep "au natural" as it were. CRAZY intense dreams, but this morning I woke up clearer-headed than I have in a LONG time. Everything was muted for the whole day, though. Like looking through a film of plastic. I'm debating making it two nights in a row. Does anyone do this? Sort of a hiatus in the activity? I have no intention of stopping completely, I like it too much, and it helps my anxiety and depressive states TOO much to stop entirely. Lorazepam, Xanax, Valium... NONE of them even hold a CANDLE to cannabis, for me, in particular.


I take a month off now and then. I tend to smoke a lot, and if I use the same strain a long time especially, I get burned out a bit. Low motivation can creep in. When that happens I switch strain if I can, or stop for couple weeks.
Don't think this one will be popular, but do any of you ever go through periods of NOT smoking/vaping/medicating? I haven't in YEARS, but yesterday, my evening routine (I'm a night time toker) was shot to heck and I just went to sleep "au natural" as it were. CRAZY intense dreams, but this morning I woke up clearer-headed than I have in a LONG time. Everything was muted for the whole day, though. Like looking through a film of plastic. I'm debating making it two nights in a row. Does anyone do this? Sort of a hiatus in the activity? I have no intention of stopping completely, I like it too much, and it helps my anxiety and depressive states TOO much to stop entirely. Lorazepam, Xanax, Valium... NONE of them even hold a CANDLE to cannabis, for me, in particular.


Well, I had to clean up once in the late 90's. It was not an issue for a few weeks but at the very end of the 4th week, as the last trace was leaving my system, It didn't want to go. It grabbed hold of my inner ear and held on for dear life as I held onto the floor that was spinning. It didn't last long but for a short time I thought I would spin right off the floor if I didn't hold on tight. Vertigo sucks.
Don't think this one will be popular, but do any of you ever go through periods of NOT smoking/vaping/medicating? I haven't in YEARS, but yesterday, my evening routine (I'm a night time toker) was shot to heck and I just went to sleep "au natural" as it were. CRAZY intense dreams, but this morning I woke up clearer-headed than I have in a LONG time. Everything was muted for the whole day, though. Like looking through a film of plastic. I'm debating making it two nights in a row. Does anyone do this? Sort of a hiatus in the activity? I have no intention of stopping completely, I like it too much, and it helps my anxiety and depressive states TOO much to stop entirely. Lorazepam, Xanax, Valium... NONE of them even hold a CANDLE to cannabis, for me, in particular.

This is one of the reasons I use. In addition to my attention difficulties, I have disturbing nightmares. Apocalyptic dreams or arguments that turn into fist fights. Missing a class in college (graduated ten years ago). That sort of jarring. It used to be on holiday weekends where it would come to the forefront. But now I vape dry flowers.:pass:
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