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Here's an interesting grow, i'm always looking for those who do things a bit differently and this is one! midwest is growing in SobCool's super soil mix........with NO SOIL! He has substituted coco coir for soil in the mix, and his grow looks wonderful! Give him a look and some support! And help bring fresh eyes to our photo period section!
Got a link
Cut OF with coco coir or composted cow manure, 2 parts soil to one part coco or compost. I've used it this winter and have had only one plant not like it.

This is growing in it now:

New Ducksfoot pic1 -3-24-2017.jpg

I got fox farms ocean forest and I Dont know if it will burn my plants or anything. So should I run some water thru
Or use auto pots and not have to worry about it...:smoking:

For super soil you want it to suck back up for 30 minutes after feed then get rid of the rest.. and when growing in smaller pots it helps a lot as I have a couple that are needing to be fed twice so they do not dry out.
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