wow, I have now moved from east to west and west to east! I've been to all the 50 states save Alaska and the Dakotas, and have lived in at least 15 states for 6 months or more. I had dozens of types of jobs all throughout. You will be fine, sometimes it takes an extra minute to find work. I found the best jobs by accident too. Congrats on the moving part being done. I hate moving, I really good at it though. If you are worried about drug tests, here's is the truth.
if you have a clean system, 1 gram smoked will exit an average system within 3 days. If within that three days you smoke another gram, it goes to a week. Keep smoking within that week and it keeps going up. There is a maximum clean out time of about 2 months if you smoke more than a gram a day for more than a week, and have a slow metabolism.
This is the only true method, you can spoof the urine tests with drinking tons of water. (Enough to make you pee clear and every ten minutes.) There is no way to "beat" the test or clear out your system however. The stuff they sell for that is bunk, junk, trash, don't work. It's always nice for me to take a sober couple weeks anyway, I get a bit burned out sometimes. Switching strains can help with that too.