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Being careful never hurts though.

My state laws basically match up when it comes to growing, and possession (of weed, not the fun kind) as long as they can't prove you're growing to sell...

...which, for me, means growing autoflowers (they still think they're mainly ruderalis), not having scales in my house AT ALL, and keeping the THC levels in my blood and urine so high the person testing them catches a buzz from fumes.
Growing is my only "vice" when it comes to the law. I don't sell or "gift". I'll give friends and family an 1/8 or 1/4 if they're out, though lol.
But yeah...umm... Security is more there for people that live in places that'll string them up for a little weed. As a musician, I've spoken with law enforcement about weed, and the majority have shared the same sentiment... "No one gives a sh*t about weed. We have bigger problems."

...I forgot where I was going with that.

I don't use vpns anymore. I'm careful, but don't care, at the same time. Make sense?

Yup...I never have sold..nor will I. In the event I do go to court, (and thats a BIG IF) I have that to help. and of course....I would take it to a jury a lone judge and DA
Yup...I never have sold..nor will I. In the event I do go to court, (and thats a BIG IF) I have that to help. and of course....I would take it to a jury a lone judge and DA
I'd "take it to the box" too. Right now there's roughly a 68-70% chance charges would be dropped. (Based off nationwide stats of approval for legalization)
Here, though, If plant matter is under 100 grams, it's a slap on the wrist. Over that, it's still a slap on the wrist, But with a ruler.
I'd "take it to the box" too. Right now there's roughly a 68-70% chance charges would be dropped. (Based off nationwide stats of approval for legalization)
Here, though, If plant matter is under 100 grams, it's a slap on the wrist. Over that, it's still a slap on the wrist, But with a ruler.

not a simple slap where Iam at....but they just changed it 2 years ago about growing. used to be 5 years per 1 year per plant..oh and seeds are the same as seeds are off sight for that reason. The less they pile on, the better a jury to side with all the medical conditions my wife has, she could easily get a Med card. in a friendly state, just not in the cards to move right now....but soon if this state doesnt get their head out of their ass.
Well that's a bit more palletable than our theory that the govt must be poisoning us to wipe out the elderly lol

Whatttt...the gov't would never do that... Or drop a buttload of LSD into a small French village's water supply...

Wait...I'm thinking of American CIA/Black-ops. Nevermind...

Man, Can you imagine how fun and scary that would have been, To be a denizen of the "dosed" village? Like, drink a cup of water when you get out of bed, then you start getting the "antsy" feeling a little while...and then you're watching your croissant roll and unroll itself, and your cheese is getting a holier than thou attitude...
Morning stoners. Just had a thought.
How come we all get the flu in winter......
When it's Waay too cold for bacteria to breed.
Think about it, you keep food In the fridge as bacteria won't breed at under 3*c.
So how the fuck, as soon as the thermometer hits zero, do we all start dropping like flies from bacteria.

Difference is....Flu is a virus which can live through all sorts of things!
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