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I have a paid VPN, and Tor. I guess my question is , some say you should not use Tor when downloading or uploaded documents or media. Or am I reading that wrong. I understand nothing is fool proof, however using VPN or TOR does help. but if you using Tor in conjunction with a VPN , its all for not if you download or upload media.because it can show your original ISP as where the content was DL or uploaded from when using TOR...iam I understanding this right?
I have a paid VPN, and Tor. I guess my question is , some say you should not use Tor when downloading or uploaded documents or media. Or am I reading that wrong. I understand nothing is fool proof, however using VPN or TOR does help. but if you using Tor in conjunction with a VPN , its all for not if you download or upload media.because it can show your original ISP as where the content was DL or uploaded from when using TOR...iam I understanding this right?
If there are any Internet security techies that hang around , I have a few questions about VPN and Tor. Tried to look for answers via web, but one says this, the other says that. Would like a fellow grower give advice on best strategy to remain anonymous via web and mobile.
From what I've read ((I'll post the articles if I can find them again)) Tor is about as secure as google chrome anymore. Think it was in Wired or Pop Science. They were saying damned near all the exit nodes and the encryption etc etc have been compromised by Feds.
From what I've read ((I'll post the articles if I can find them again)) Tor is about as secure as google chrome anymore. Think it was in Wired or Pop Science. They were saying damned near all the exit nodes and the encryption etc etc have been compromised by Feds.

I believe that, but are the Feds or local LEO really going to bother with a tiny small grow for personal use compared to huge questionably illegal grows?...Maybe...if they get a wild hair up their ass. Now if I was trying to be the next king pin, and my internet presence and cockiness was beyond reality and biting my thumb at authorities...I can see them having a peek.
We were just talking about this at work Some say its because of the lack of vit. D. , Sun helps in making it , and winter being gloomy, its just not made enough. with out Vit. D , our immune system can be compromised easier. Along with the fact we dont spend alot of time outside. We cram ourselves into a warm house, were the temps are just about perfect for some virus to thrive. Some call it the "Daycare syndrome" Bring One sick child to a daycare...the domino effect is soon realized. Low temps and low humidity let the virus live longer and ease the possibility of transmission. High heat and humidity , you would think would be a breeding ground., but they theorize that the water droplets actually capture viruses and fall to the ground, reducing the chances of casual transmission.
Well that's a bit more palletable than our theory that the govt must be poisoning us to wipe out the elderly lol
I believe that, but are the Feds or local LEO really going to bother with a tiny small grow for personal use compared to huge questionably illegal grows?...Maybe...if they get a wild hair up their ass. Now if I was trying to be the next king pin, and my internet presence and cockiness was beyond reality and biting my thumb at authorities...I can see them having a peek.
Being careful never hurts though.

My state laws basically match up when it comes to growing, and possession (of weed, not the fun kind) as long as they can't prove you're growing to sell...

...which, for me, means growing autoflowers (they still think they're mainly ruderalis), not having scales in my house AT ALL, and keeping the THC levels in my blood and urine so high the person testing them catches a buzz from fumes.
Growing is my only "vice" when it comes to the law. I don't sell or "gift". I'll give friends and family an 1/8 or 1/4 if they're out, though lol.
But yeah...umm... Security is more there for people that live in places that'll string them up for a little weed. As a musician, I've spoken with law enforcement about weed, and the majority have shared the same sentiment... "No one gives a sh*t about weed. We have bigger problems."

...I forgot where I was going with that.

I don't use vpns anymore. I'm careful, but don't care, at the same time. Make sense?
I use a VPN but don't know nothing about computers, i figure if they want to knock a half cripples door in for a couple of personal use plants go ahead! I'll have some more beans in before they get to my mailbox on there way out!
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