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Morning stoners. Just had a thought.
How come we all get the flu in winter......
When it's Waay too cold for bacteria to breed.
Think about it, you keep food In the fridge as bacteria won't breed at under 3*c.
So how the fuck, as soon as the thermometer hits zero, do we all start dropping like flies from bacteria.
...because we're confined in smaller spaces, with more people, And we haven't been in the sunlight to get the vitamin d we need to help our bodies keep from getting sick.

...sounds good, right?
Morning stoners. Just had a thought.
How come we all get the flu in winter......
When it's Waay too cold for bacteria to breed.
Think about it, you keep food In the fridge as bacteria won't breed at under 3*c.
So how the fuck, as soon as the thermometer hits zero, do we all start dropping like flies from bacteria.

We were just talking about this at work Some say its because of the lack of vit. D. , Sun helps in making it , and winter being gloomy, its just not made enough. with out Vit. D , our immune system can be compromised easier. Along with the fact we dont spend alot of time outside. We cram ourselves into a warm house, were the temps are just about perfect for some virus to thrive. Some call it the "Daycare syndrome" Bring One sick child to a daycare...the domino effect is soon realized. Low temps and low humidity let the virus live longer and ease the possibility of transmission. High heat and humidity , you would think would be a breeding ground., but they theorize that the water droplets actually capture viruses and fall to the ground, reducing the chances of casual transmission.
If there are any Internet security techies that hang around , I have a few questions about VPN and Tor. Tried to look for answers via web, but one says this, the other says that. Would like a fellow grower give advice on best strategy to remain anonymous via web and mobile.
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