Being careful never hurts though.
My state laws basically match up when it comes to growing, and possession (of weed, not the fun kind) as long as they can't prove you're growing to sell...
...which, for me, means growing autoflowers (they still think they're mainly ruderalis), not having scales in my house AT ALL, and keeping the THC levels in my blood and urine so high the person testing them catches a buzz from fumes.
Growing is my only "vice" when it comes to the law. I don't sell or "gift". I'll give friends and family an 1/8 or 1/4 if they're out, though lol.
But yeah...umm... Security is more there for people that live in places that'll string them up for a little weed. As a musician, I've spoken with law enforcement about weed, and the majority have shared the same sentiment... "No one gives a sh*t about weed. We have bigger problems."
...I forgot where I was going with that.
I don't use vpns anymore. I'm careful, but don't care, at the same time. Make sense?
Yup...I never have sold..nor will I. In the event I do go to court, (and thats a BIG IF) I have that to help. and of course....I would take it to a jury a lone judge and DA