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When I get bored I super crop weeds at

Autoflowers are always on my
Morning folks!!
@Mossy and others involved. I want in this convo toooo[emoji23][emoji23]
I am living proof of multiple theories here.
1. Cannabis use throughout pregnancy caused no learning disability, nor does it make you more artistic. im book smart and math smart but suck at music and arts.[emoji23][emoji23]
2. Prohibition stops anything!! I live in a prohibition state. I grew up in a meaner prohibition state. And ive quite literally never ran dry.
3. Teen use and abuse causing (true) addiction and other decreased learning capacities.... I was an ounce a week smoker throught high school who didnt do homework. I got As and Bs in most subjects in school with the occasional d in a class that failed to hold my interest...

Im not saying that my life long stoner status is without ANY negative effects, the often short term memory... Though recall is normally fine. My lungs have seen better days... But i had years of cigarettes to help.
Also, cigs were started at 8yo but "regular smoking regiment" wasnt till 12ish.

I am of the unpopular opinion that teens SHOULD be allowed to buy it in the store with parent present. I know i know. Im crazy. But these "studies" are just proven wrong over and over. The tradition "stupid stoner" is dying. It was propaganda from the beginning and the govs are just trying to hold onto something.
Note that the previous discussed study was stated to be grant seeking (similar meaning diff words) at the beginning of the article. So theyre setting out with the intent to prove mental problems were caused by cannabis. THATS NOT SCIENCE!!!!!
The scientific method, per my middle school science book (and every following book), is if/then with a reasonable sample size. Include a control!! And then peer review for bias. This is why i dont bother reading single group studies. Most are wrong and the rest are biased. ESPECIALLY with cannabis and its on BOTH sides.

Fire one off for me [emoji108] HG

I basically posted that article for the reason of hopefully promoting some discussion............I agree the study was not well designed and had some possible defects....but one thing it said is indisputable..........this has proven over and over again through EEGs and MRIs........THC does affect specific areas in the brain and those particular areas are still growing and developing in teens. For that reason alone, I think we should worry some about high cannabis use in teens. We need to be very careful not to fall into the same rhetoric the antis know the cant.....narcotic, gateway drug, relaxes morals, etc! Any psychoactive substance is going to have an effect on the brain....whether or not it is harmful or benign or dose dependent is going to take years of carefully controlled, blinded studies. We all know people who say they have been smoking weed since they were knee high to a grass hopper.....and it hasn't harmed me.....this is not a dig at you HG, just an overall observation. If you apply the same criteria to that statement as to the article....I do you know.....where is the control? Who knows what may have happened if these folks hadn't smoked pot heavily during their teen years?

On a more positive front, I was waiting in my doctor's office and picked up this weeks issue of People it was a big article on how a couple with a little girl who developed cancer at an early age....used THC and CBD to ease the problems of chemo and radiation therapy....and are convinced that it helped put her cancer in complete remission.....they still give her a small dose every afternoon to hopefully prevent the return of her cancer. Luckily they had an cooperative oncologist........biggest problem they faced was paying the $1500 a week that the oils cost.

Interesting articles.....................................
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We're a bit isolated here, and the kids grow up with weed all around...there's no law here or any social stigma about it. Also they don't have the social pressure to get into it at a too young an age...16-18 seems to be when they will take it up if they're going to. I usually encourage them to take it easy at first, there's no reason they have to smoke it like us older folks do lol. I'd sure rather have them using canna as opposed to anything else.
[HASHTAG]#datfeeling[/HASHTAG] when Esbe from HfH offer you trial outdoor seeds of new unreleased stuff and you don't dare to receive seeds via mail due to the customs service in my country :shrug:

Temptation might become too much to handle. I haven't enjoyed outdoor growing in nearly 6 years after moving. Much more fun than indoors in my opinion.
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