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Damn...:dang:....I'll have to re-think then....

(It is the first image I Think about when someone mentions World domination..:biggrin:..)

:rofl: Mossy!

No World domination :pass: just World greenery and imagine all the sit ins we could have with other countries...

World Wide Smoke Out in the entire month of January...Everyone online sharing a buzz and interests. :bighug:
It has been great hatting with everyone but, it's time for me to get busy.

Have a great day All. :vibes:
The subject definitely brings out passion . But to me its about freedom ..If i want a for sure cancer causing cigarette I can get it at any store. This notion of preapproved plants is just stupid and people know it. Problem is this plant disrupts so many bubbles of business and society, weed is blamed for the the rise of protests in the 60 so many levels of protection against weed are in place from DuPont and big tobacco so its bin a up hill battle .We even see some place that were a bastion for weed flipping backwards in policy .We just need to apply pressure to these loosers and keep producing at home. The one thing not many cover is the number of people in jail for weed right now. with laws changing they should let them all out.

Totally agree regarding letting prisoners out if they are in for mere possession and not trafficking, for the second you pardon one person who was convicted for something which is no longer a crime, and there's an obvious area to look at there, then ALL of those convicted of possession when they would now be perfectly within the realms of the current laws should be fully pardoned as well. Not just released, but their record scrubbed clean insofar as marijuana possession goes.

And, no, it won't stop people growing, and I don't talk about "preapproved plants" but rather taking the sales away from the sort of dealer who has an interest in trying to push you to the likes of Ice. That's another reason to fight the good fight, for if there was ever a time to get the pressure on, as assorted US states, countries such as Canada, and so on allow "recreational" and others, such as the UK, allow "medicinal". Weed has a good reputation just now, especially with the WHO stating unequivocally that there has NEVER been a case of someone overdosing on weed, that the portrayed risk are MUCH lower than they are made out to be, and that the UN should reclassify cannabis, thanks to some VERY high profile cases that I can not remember a time when cannabis was looked upon so favourably and was becoming, well, boring thanks to the level of coverage anything to do with weed brings. Now is the time to strike, the iron is well and truly hot, and if there's going to be change then we have to get the push on whilst they are still digesting the news that the WHO has torn up it's EIGHTY (80) year old guidelines and finally admit that their "knowledge" was an absolute lie, and that basing laws on knowledge that was somehow gleaned 80 years ago somehow justifies never doing any research on the subject in the interim period when Stevie Wonder can see through the lies, for assorted governments cannot hide behind the WHO and UN any more, rendering their classification of marijuana as absolutely ridiculous as jailing someone for being "non-heterosexual"...
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