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Ive suggested in the reported post. It would be awesome if it did work out!! Having some options for your own personal preference would be sweet.

I think a lot of the members would like it, Skelly.
Yea...if you gave me the option of tickets for the best seats in the house to the latest big production, Gaga or Beiber like musical production....or......couple tickets to go catch this dude doing a solo gig with an acoustic guitar in some small seedy bar, I'd take the Colin Hay show every time. :smoking:

Maybe Rebel wants to make a custom line of Skelly branded merchandise for you guys! ;)

Not a big fan of the new look....i feel like there is so much white, my retinas are being burned! :D Its still being worked on though!

Anything is possible :pass: with your blessing of course! I'll make whatever you guys want!
Yea...if you gave me the option of tickets for the best seats in the house to the latest big production, Gaga or Beiber like musical production....or......couple tickets to go catch this dude doing a solo gig with an acoustic guitar in some small seedy bar, I'd take the Colin Hay show every time. :smoking:

Heck, Ozone.......given that choice, I'd go to the seedy bar to watch an unknown artist with an acoustic guitar!!
Yes I've read up on that. I was just wanting to know that if I prune off any side branching from my main Colas, if buds will still form properly.

I always clean a certain amount of underformed branches within the canopy, but on the flipside i also try to maximize space to have a branch in every square inch of available light. Sorry not quite the answer to the question you asked.

Not mainlined, but topped at 4 true nodes and lst open canopy trained. Basically i only remove branches if they are not getting adequate light.

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