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4 of 5 BT have popped fed them some MC SC and the race is on
Hey Bear,

I have a clip on fan there and also a tower fan. I’m not comfortable with leaving the flap open as the tent is in a small one bedroom apartment. Hopefully it will start cooling down soon as it’s not typical heat for the region.


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Add a co2 bag.... it should help with high temperatures, I paid £25 so if I get a increase in yield by even the slightest it’s worth while....
Good morning, @chefdave , sorry I missed you last night but I decided it was a music night so I got blasted and listened to an old GD concert for about three hours.....slept well for a change.......maybe I should do that more often!
Good morning, @chefdave , sorry I missed you last night but I decided it was a music night so I got blasted and listened to an old GD concert for about three hours.....slept well for a change.......maybe I should do that more often!
That's awesome bro glad you slept!!
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