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I love me some snow. The sooner it shows up on the flowers, the more I know I am gonna really enjoy it when it's ready.

Really partial to your pics.. Very impressive frost.

Thanks, I like when it is all said and done and you take a few buds out of the jar and you get the oooh's and aaahhh's..Where did you get that!?! Some guy I know..
not to sure on the % of clear cloudy,but no ambers yet to my eye so hold fire :shooty:

yeah iveonly noticed a few random amber ones on one or two of the buds, ive just been getting a little worried becasue on the tops of my buds some a lot f the very tiny bud leaves as i call them, are starting to yellow out. but if ya think i should give it another week or something then i can hold off till next weekend. just getting a bit worreid since its just over 12 weeks already,lol. but if shes not ready then i guess shes not ready. im wondering if maybe i stopped feeding nutes a little to soon, but thanks for the advice man, ill hold off. i did snip off a little piece, im just drying it in the oven. should fit in my one hitter,lol. its pretty leafy though ha ha. since its my first grow, im having trouble telling whats bud and what isnt since nothing is trimmed and dried and thats all im used to dealing
yeah iveonly noticed a few random amber ones on one or two of the buds, ive just been getting a little worried becasue on the tops of my buds some a lot f the very tiny bud leaves as i call them, are starting to yellow out. but if ya think i should give it another week or something then i can hold off till next weekend. just getting a bit worreid since its just over 12 weeks already,lol. but if shes not ready then i guess shes not ready. im wondering if maybe i stopped feeding nutes a little to soon, but thanks for the advice man, ill hold off. i did snip off a little piece, im just drying it in the oven. should fit in my one hitter,lol. its pretty leafy though ha ha. since its my first grow, im having trouble telling whats bud and what isnt since nothing is trimmed and dried and thats all im used to dealing
They should yellow out, tip curl, look shitty etc. This is Natural and good
I usually make sure the majority of the heads are cloudy and the ambers are scattered but not too too hard to find.

yeah i think ill take all your guys advice and let her go another week. ill still test a small ammount shortly and see what i get off it. but leaving it another week wont be a problem. i just gave it another good watering today so im sure by next weekend more leaves will be yellowed and dying. at least once i get this girl harvested i can move my mainline auto experiment plant over in the tent and start another seed for a regular topped plant, just in case the mainline experiment doesnt work out,lol
They should yellow out, tip curl, look shitty etc. This is Natural and good

oh okay, yeah i knew it was normal on the fan leaves and the smaller leaves, but i wasnt sure it it was normal on the very tips of the buds that have the itty bitty teeny weeny leaves growing. but if it is then that makes me feel a lot better

so this is normal and healthy then?

heya GG DG looking lush :kiss:
whats everybodies prefared clear/cloudy/amber percentages for chop time ?

hey archie, heres a new shot of my mainline experiment, it seems to be bouncing back pretty well, i think this plant sprouted on the 20th so its 16 days old. i not going to go any further then 4 colas as i dont want to stress tings any further. but still a fun experiemnt for an auto. ill see how she looks after another week.
once the bigger girl hers harvested then im going to sprout another seed and just grow a 1 gallon regular topped plant in case this one doesnt work out well,lol.
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