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5 COBs should light up that world!
Here's the 5cobber.
Damn, I can't believe it.........I hate teams like Colombia.....everything you do is a foul and nothing they do is......they whine about every call and use every cheap shot they can.......I hope England can pull it out.......Kane is an incredible player!! Back soon!:poof:
Damn, I can't believe it.........I hate teams like Colombia.....everything you do is a foul and nothing they do is......they whine about every call and use every cheap shot they can.......I hope England can pull it out.......Kane is an incredible player!! Back soon!:poof:
Hope we win.
Took little Harry the stray cat that adopted my patio over the winter to a rescue shelter today. Glad that he'll be getting the vet care he need and that they'll find him the home he deserves. But still going to miss the little Hairball. Hard to believe how attached you can get to a little critter in just a few short months after you let 'em into your life even just a little. Of course, Harry kind of took that little and shoe horned his way into making it a lot, but that's just how he is. :kitty:


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