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They all started under LEd.maybe end of April...can’t quite remember.Then put outside...the other Ripleys in 12L pot has finished these 2 are in 22L pots.
I have been putting them in a shed at night for last 3weeks so probably getting 12-15hours light
Day of the triffids
Good Morning Stoners
Is it my imagination ?? At one time I could go to my local local Home Depot and pick up odds and sods for projects I may be working on . The prices appear to be increasing but the quality is going south . People working in the stores don't give a shite and will avoid answering any questions that you may have and otherwise avoid you as best the can . I damaged the screen on the patio door and tried unsuccessfully to buy an replacement . After 5 returns to the store I discovered from the Lowes store that Home Depot was selling a product that wouldn't fit and was never designed to fit . At no time did the moron serving me ever suggest that the screen wouldn't fit and allowed me to return the purchase 5 times before I discovered it never would fit and that it was my fault . I loved the mom and pop stores were you could get what you wanted with a little free advice thrown in for good measure . Looks like those days are gone forever a long with quality and service . :nono:
I flip autos to a 12/12 light cycle that don't flower by say day 35-40. Most autos should have begun to flower by then.

@pop22 can probably help u if he's around. But have you tried to flip them like a photo to see if they will. I think I saw someone else saying the same about the Ripley's, I would have to look at the strain more, how many weeks are they?
Good Morning Stoners
Is it my imagination ?? At one time I could go to my local local Home Depot and pick up odds and sods for projects I may be working on . The prices appear to be increasing but the quality is going south . People working in the stores don't give a shite and will avoid answering any questions that you may have and otherwise avoid you as best the can . I damaged the screen on the patio door and tried unsuccessfully to buy an replacement . After 5 returns to the store I discovered from the Lowes store that Home Depot was selling a product that wouldn't fit and was never designed to fit . At no time did the moron serving me ever suggest that the screen wouldn't fit and allowed me to return the purchase 5 times before I discovered it never would fit and that it was my fault . I loved the mom and pop stores were you could get what you wanted with a little free advice thrown in for good measure . Looks like those days are gone forever a long with quality and service . :nono:
Even my home depot is the same way, lucky for me I still have a nice hardware and lumber yard store in the town down the road. Funny u mentioned this, last 4 items I went to home depot for after hours of no luck and no help I go to my local store and bam they have it and the info. And cheap prices for top brands. But the morons at home depot tel me these things don't exist because they don't have it. We won't even get in to the garden center idiot me being asked to leave Saturday morning. But guess plants should never be in full sun shade only the idiot says.
Good Morning Stoners
Is it my imagination ?? At one time I could go to my local local Home Depot and pick up odds and sods for projects I may be working on . The prices appear to be increasing but the quality is going south . People working in the stores don't give a shite and will avoid answering any questions that you may have and otherwise avoid you as best the can . I damaged the screen on the patio door and tried unsuccessfully to buy an replacement . After 5 returns to the store I discovered from the Lowes store that Home Depot was selling a product that wouldn't fit and was never designed to fit . At no time did the moron serving me ever suggest that the screen wouldn't fit and allowed me to return the purchase 5 times before I discovered it never would fit and that it was my fault . I loved the mom and pop stores were you could get what you wanted with a little free advice thrown in for good measure . Looks like those days are gone forever a long with quality and service . :nono:
Good morning 9bear I hate home depot and lowes but have no other options in Baltimore. All mom and pops are gone, driven out:finger: I guess tru value is a bit pricey but has good service. The problem with them they don't carry heavy construction materials I need for renovating my house
Nope Horrible Depot has always been this way. I think they train their employees to do there best to avoid telling customers anything....... And Lowe's is no better. Fortunate for me, we still have two local lumber yards and a couple of greenhouse/garden supply places. True Value is good for hardware that you can't find/ is never restocked at HD or Lowes. I do my best to give my business to local small business over big corporate chains.

Good Morning Stoners
Is it my imagination ?? At one time I could go to my local local Home Depot and pick up odds and sods for projects I may be working on . The prices appear to be increasing but the quality is going south . People working in the stores don't give a shite and will avoid answering any questions that you may have and otherwise avoid you as best the can . I damaged the screen on the patio door and tried unsuccessfully to buy an replacement . After 5 returns to the store I discovered from the Lowes store that Home Depot was selling a product that wouldn't fit and was never designed to fit . At no time did the moron serving me ever suggest that the screen wouldn't fit and allowed me to return the purchase 5 times before I discovered it never would fit and that it was my fault . I loved the mom and pop stores were you could get what you wanted with a little free advice thrown in for good measure . Looks like those days are gone forever a long with quality and service . :nono:
I flip autos to a 12/12 light cycle that don't flower by say day 35-40. Most autos should have begun to flower by then.
Ok,thanks mate.if they get any bigger I will be making a very fat lady a very nice grass skirt out of them
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