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mornin Feenix :pass:i thought technicaly we lost brain cells from the moment we born :shrug:but i might have dreamt that.
thing is with studies is,there be a new one out next week that tells us something different again :2cents:

Good Morning Archie, Tetlis, chefdave
I've read that too Archie. Then there were the several billion or so sacrificed to the gods of whatever felt good at the moment.
Take care of you... We'll be here.. Godspeed, friend.
Man, The doctors thought I was lying when I told them that I don't and won't take any pills or pain medication. Lmao Found out that I've got a Sprain in my back, added to the strain of a 20° curve, and the leg opposite the direction of that curve being 1"+ shorter (just had a ct scan to get the exact length)...adding to the pressure on the spine and musculature near it...
Walking, sitting, and pretty much everything else sucks at this point.
Found out why I'm in pain, And may be able to remedy the pain with physical therapy, and a shoe insert(lol) So I've been in a better mood, And have been looking forward to the physical therapy...

...although I really hope they adjust any tables/stands whatever else for my size.

On a side note, I really hope the doctor gives me the go ahead to start working out again. I miss being 235lbs of muscle.
Good morning 9bear, Mossy, Stoners,
Some studies say that even us old farts build new neural networks when we take on new tasks. I didn't get whether it replaces dead brain cells or just lays new wiring in case we do. If it said it, I forget:smoking:
Is there anything I can eat to speed up the process . :rofl:
They grow wild and don't bother a soul probably much like cannabis did but as soon as somebody decides to smoke sum that's the end of that . :pass:
mornin Feenix :pass:i thought technicaly we lost brain cells from the moment we born :shrug:but i might have dreamt that.
thing is with studies is,there be a new one out next week that tells us something different again :2cents:
The landlady maintains we lose brain cells every time we get angry !! If that's the case I'm running at a deficit right now . :nono:
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