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Folks, got a question for you.......mailman just dropped off my first seed order. I probably won't be able to germ them for about 10 should I store them? In the frig?
Folks, got a question for you.......mailman just dropped off my first seed order. I probably won't be able to germ them for about 10 should I store them? In the frig?

If it's just for 10 days will only need to keep them cool, dark and dry, but yeah for long term 6-12 months + will be better in a dry airtight container in the fridge.
You know when you are so stoned and you think of something funny that your AFN brethren would appreciate so you attempt to post it in the chat group, but by the time you find the right section, you forget what the thought was?

That's how stoned I am now![emoji41]

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]

Ps I now understand why you guys love the AFN community
If it's just for 10 days will only need to keep them cool, dark and dry, but yeah for long term 6-12 months + will be better in a dry airtight container in the fridge.

Thanks, Spanglish! I just left them in their original package and stuck them in the fridge. Hopefully, I can gather the rest of what I need over next week and be ready to go!
Thanks, Spanglish! I just left them in their original package and stuck them in the fridge. Hopefully, I can gather the rest of what I need over next week and be ready to go!

Well fingers crossed you get everything sorted then and can get them beans in soaking soon, what did you get ? Don't forget to tag us in once you get started can never get enough of a good grow :headbang:
Figured this'd be a good place to put this: Gonna be spending less and less time online, shortly. I've got physical therapy and a few other things coming up soon that'll require the majority of my time. I'm not going to be 100% gone...not nuking my account or anything...just give me extra time to respond if you tag me or message me.

Take care of you... We'll be here.. Godspeed, friend.
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