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It'll be a long ride to hell before I do @Unique ...........:headbang:......they crippled my Mother with a double hip I'l go kicking and screaming...

Before the op she walked 5-10 miles a day..walking was her she can't walk without a walker or two sticks......:nono:..and she has morphine on repeat prescription ...they really screwed her life up.
I didn't do both at the same time, they were like 5 yrs between each other.. I didn't really have a choice, I have problems were avn causes bone death, then joints end up getting impacted into the joint...
It'll be a long ride to hell before I do @Unique ...........:headbang:......they crippled my Mother with a double hip I'l go kicking and screaming...

Before the op she walked 5-10 miles a day..walking was her she can't walk without a walker or two sticks......:nono:..and she has morphine on repeat prescription ...they really screwed her life up.

Sorry to hear about your Mom's problems with her hip replacements.....for me it was just the opposite.....before the surgery I could barely walk with a cane and was eating morphine like candy....after my R hip replacement....pain gone.......morphine eventually gone. I need to have my L knee done soon but I think I will wait as long as I can........

Good Afternoon Mossy, Stoners,

Sorry about the hips, I can relate:bighug:
Greedy companies. If they would market it for that purpose at a fair price we all probably would.
There's a downside. A bit funny. The ultra richest retirement community in the state has the highest STD rate in the state.:haha:


That's probably because they can afford to shall I put it..........outside help!:vibe:
Sorry to hear about your Mom's problems with her hip replacements.....for me it was just the opposite.....before the surgery I could barely walk with a cane and was eating morphine like candy....after my R hip replacement....pain gone.......morphine eventually gone. I need to have my L knee done soon but I think I will wait as long as I can........
I'm glad you had great experiences also, My 1st hip replacement went awesome... The 2nd not as well, I seem still have issues with that one 11yrs later... It's better the joint can't impact, but pain wise it didn't help all that much, maybe 40% at best...hip replacement is a kinda painful surgery, but not the most painful.....I certainly think back surgery holds that top spot!
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I'm glad you had great experiences also, My 1st hip replacement went awesome... The 2nd not as well, I seem still have issues with that one 11yrs later... It's better the joint can't impact, but pain wise it did help all that much, maybe 40% at best...

I'm glad you had good results with at least your first op.....the thing is the techniques used in this surgery have improved markedly in the last 5-8 years. The skill of the surgeon and the quality of the rehab are still paramount in the success or failure of the procedure. The doc who did mine at our state university hospital is considered one of the best hip docs in southeastern US. They had me up and walking at my bed 6 hours post-op..........was doing 1-2 hours of rehab work three days after that. As an ex critical care nurse, I tend to be hyper critical of medical stuff, but I researched this carefully and it paid off. @Mossy a word of heart felt advice.....don't let your Mom's bad outcome keep you from doing something that can markedly improve the quality of your life. I know you live in another country and I have no idea about the medical care there or the kind of insurance or payments you use, but research the quality of your surgeons and rehab.....get more than one opinion and make your decision then. I hope you don't think I'm interfering but I hate to see anyone in pain that can be fixed. Peace!
I'm glad you had good results with at least your first op.....the thing is the techniques used in this surgery have improved markedly in the last 5-8 years. The skill of the surgeon and the quality of the rehab are still paramount in the success or failure of the procedure. The doc who did mine at our state university hospital is considered one of the best hip docs in southeastern US. They had me up and walking at my bed 6 hours post-op..........was doing 1-2 hours of rehab work three days after that. As an ex critical care nurse, I tend to be hyper critical of medical stuff, but I researched this carefully and it paid off. @Mossy a word of heart felt advice.....don't let your Mom's bad outcome keep you from doing something that can markedly improve the quality of your life. I know you live in another country and I have no idea about the medical care there or the kind of insurance or payments you use, but research the quality of your surgeons and rehab.....get more than one opinion and make your decision then. I hope you don't think I'm interfering but I hate to see anyone in pain that can be fixed. Peace!
I 100% agree with you @Mossy I hope you not let your mom's bad experience prevent ya from having it done, it's so nice to get out of agony and sometimes surgery is the only way that can happen.... as @hesgone13 has said, getting up after surgery is super important and aids in your recovery so much and also your PT, that is partially why my 2nd one didn't go as well...My PT sucked after my 2nd it's important you kinda push yourself through the pain right after surgery, it will get better I promise!!! I was in agony after this 8hr back surgery, But I had got up like 6-8hrs after it and nurses said I was like the only patient to ever make it out of the room, most only make it to the chair right next to the bed, very few make it to the door, she said none ever made out the door down to nurses station and back to room on same day, the whole way back from nurses station they were trying convince me to sit, I'm like nope! I got this!!!
howdy peeps :pass:
postie brings new carb cap

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