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I was absolutely terrified in point of fact, lol! I can laugh about it now, but can easily relate to how you must have felt, especially back then. About the same time, I had a female friend up in New England that would periodically send me a oz of some top shelf homegrow . She would pack it inside a big jar of organic peanut butter that was made near her house by carefully scraping out enough pb to hold the weed and smooth over the top of the butter with a warm knife and srew the top back really couldn't tell anything had occured....this went on for almost a year, until she dropped one of the packages on the concrete post office floor while shipping it. Of course it shattered, being back when jars were still glass.......the odor of pb and something else rapidly began to permeate the air of the PO! She rapidly gathered up everything and ran out the door.....her days of MJ mailing over!

"You got your stanky buds in my peanut butter!"
"You got your peanut butter in my stanky buds!"

Two great tastes that.... yeah not so much.
Holy crap! I had no idea!

Well, it seems as though there is canna everything else, soooooo.....................Maybe we should look into this............are you old enough to remember a nut flavored chewy candy called.........wait for it........Mary Janes?
Well, it seems as though there is canna everything else, soooooo.....................Maybe we should look into this............are you old enough to remember a nut flavored chewy candy called.........wait for it........Mary Janes?
I'll be 51 in July. So, yeah.
You can pretty much get anything you want on dark net from dream market, wall street etc and it is almost impossible if using pgp encryption and tor for any law enforcement to detect. People get caught by poor stealth and or packing from seller. But its a lot safer and a lot more fun to grow your own! Price is plumenting on dark net for weed. Indoor grade a++ for 120 oz
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