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Expecting my DDAs soon from are right, that doesn't overwhelm me me with warm and fuzzy feelings re their business practices! Not cool!

To their credit, I do like the lightproof mylar bags. Keeps out O2 and UV quite well.
Just got these in the post.

I was kind of expecting the cookies to be in DP packaging.... Starting to suspect Colorado Cookies is their own cross-breed with a DP strain.

Also, in the email confirmation they sent me, they put my credit card, expiration date, and CSV code right in there. This means they've retained that data, even though I did not give them permission to do so.

Not exactly earning my trust here...

View attachment 922975

Best of luck with the beans pal but just due to the fact they retain that kind of data is a big no no to me. If that is stored on the websites database and there is some kind of vulnerability that allows outside access to the database that info will be free for all, is standard practice these days to use a secure payment processor for these reasons when it comes to CC info.
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