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It sure took well to the supercropping I gave it. Both main branches. Bent them at about 8 inches from the top. Within hours they were turning upwards again. Never missed a beat. Now if it will just start packing on flowers I'd be a happier person. For now, just a whole lot of small flowers all over the plant. I'll try to get some pictures after work.

Next one of these I will have to find a better way to facilitate training. My options are pretty limited right now.
I use duct tape, pipe cleaners, and hemp twine to train.
Running through the channels on tv, and stopped on CSPAN3... British House of Commons is being shown for some reason.
Listening to Corbyn and May bicker back and forth is pretty entertaining. It's kind of like watching two kindergarteners argue over which green crayon tastes better.

I have no clue what half the stuff they're bickering about actually is, But watching adults argue like that reminds me why UFC, and Pro-Wresting are so popular.
Thanks, Samwell! That was my thought also.....since I'm only buying a three pack of one strain.
Are u USA or across the pond? Sweet seeds don't send directly to USA, but graybeard is here and has them. Pretty cheap.
Checked out greybeard seeds.....seem to be a great outfit.......good selection and reasonable pricing. How are they on secure shipping being in the US? Thanks, my friend!!
Checked out greybeard seeds.....seem to be a great outfit.......good selection and reasonable pricing. How are they on secure shipping being in the US? Thanks, my friend!!
Very secure, pretty fast servic, you will like them. Check out fast buds cookies or wait til the 29th and order he 6 strain pack from mephisto. They also have a home base here and I been getting my orders before I even get tracking information.
Nice to know that I can email breeders and get a faster response than I can with most of my friends who text and live just down the road. Or I magically caught 4 breeders on their email at the right time. Doubtful.
Has anyone ever ran Captain Redbeard beans I just won the 5 pack of OG reg beans on the gram giveaway the other day. But curious if anyone has ever ran his photos before???
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