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I was something like 1.something oz shy of a half pound on the GG4 I trained. Seems like that strain loves training if you start it early and keep with it.
It sure took well to the supercropping I gave it. Both main branches. Bent them at about 8 inches from the top. Within hours they were turning upwards again. Never missed a beat. Now if it will just start packing on flowers I'd be a happier person. For now, just a whole lot of small flowers all over the plant. I'll try to get some pictures after work.

Next one of these I will have to find a better way to facilitate training. My options are pretty limited right now.
Hey mike....what about uploading songs?
I think from storage and bandwidth perspective it's considerably better than video. Though by hosting the data they might be subjected to copyright challenges or royalty fees.

You might remember when there were a lot of internet radio stations out there. Thousands of them. Tons of musical styles to choose from. Not so many now, are there?

The reason most of them have gone away is because those wonderfully nice folks over at the RIAA decided that royalties should be paid for songs broadcast over the internet, same as is already required of traditional radio stations. And to be fair, I see their point. The problem is that the royalty fee is the same regardless of the number of people listening to your broadcast, or if your broadcast is a commercial venture. The larger stations, that had incorporated commercials and supported tens of thousands of listeners, easily pay the fee and carry on. The smaller stations couldn't justify the expense given what was for a lot of people just a fun hobby, and shut down. Myself included.

In my mind, the fee should only apply to broadcasts that generate revenue. Don't run commercials, you don't have to pay the fee. Unfortunately, that isn't how it works, currently.
I think from storage and bandwidth perspective it's considerably better than video. Though by hosting the data they might be subjected to copyright challenges or royalty fees.

You might remember when there were a lot of internet radio stations out there. Thousands of them. Tons of musical styles to choose from. Not so many now, are there?

The reason most of them have gone away is because those wonderfully nice folks over at the RIAA decided that royalties should be paid for songs broadcast over the internet, same as is already required of traditional radio stations. And to be fair, I see their point. The problem is that the royalty fee is the same regardless of the number of people listening to your broadcast, or if your broadcast is a commercial venture. The larger stations, that had incorporated commercials and supported tens of thousands of listeners, easily pay the fee and carry on. The smaller stations couldn't justify the expense given what was for a lot of people just a fun hobby, and shut down. Myself included.

In my mind, the fee should only apply to broadcasts that generate revenue. Don't run commercials, you don't have to pay the fee. Unfortunately, that isn't how it works, currently.
Mike, I was thinking more along the lines of being able to include songs downloaded from the archive........since the bands have given permission for downloads and streaming, as long as no commercial use. I don't have any idea how you could move them here but it would sure be neat!
howdy peeps :pass:whats a dual drive usb 9bear ?
firmware is that not something from yesteryear ? is it not software,hardware ?
more than half your age but twice as thick

I have been working with PCs from the day they first appeared on the market. Been a hardware/software engineer for just shy of 20 years now. For the life of me, I have no idea who coined the phrase "firmware" came from.

Hardware is easy. The physical device. You can touch it, thus Hardware.

Software is also pretty easy. It exists, but you cannot touch it. Software. Kinda works...

Firmware? Well, it's actually software. 99.9% of the time it describes the operating system for a device (like a smart USB device, analogous with windows on your PC). It is generally stored on a chip that is read when you turn the device on. In the old days, it was something that could not be updated. I kinda think that's where the "firmware" idea comes from. Still doesn't make any sense. Even less now that you can update it. It's software.
Mike, I was thinking more along the lines of being able to include songs downloaded from the archive........since the bands have given permission for downloads and streaming, as long as no commercial use. I don't have any idea how you could move them here but it would sure be neat!
In that case, from a cost perspective its much lower than video. Guess it's up to the powers that be, then.
@Mike20132 Got a question for you......I think I'm going to go on and order my dark devil auto seeds since it sometimes takes awhile for them to get from what I've read. Should I order direct from Sweet Seeds[the breeder]or from some seed bank? It seems to me that ordering from the breeder would likely get a fresher product.
@Mike20132 Got a question for you......I think I'm going to go on and order my dark devil auto seeds since it sometimes takes awhile for them to get from what I've read. Should I order direct from Sweet Seeds[the breeder]or from some seed bank? It seems to me that ordering from the breeder would likely get a fresher product.

I would say order directly is my go to.

I buy from banks when I like their freebies or if I'm going to buy from multiple breeders and want to get just 1 package
I would say order directly is my go to.

I but from banks when I like their freebies or if I'm going to buy from multiple breeders and want to get just 1 package
Thanks, Samwell! That was my thought also.....since I'm only buying a three pack of one strain.
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