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I agree on smell-o-vision... The gangly purple b*tch I've got smells so goooodddd... Can't wait to chop her because of her smell haha

Tell me about it bro my fingers are twitching on the fiskars, giving her about another 4 days and reckon will be done enough for me.
Good evening all. About to start last night of work for the week. Then get some days off to pot up some photos and s.o.d.k. and maybe chop the Sour 60. Here's some Sour bush pics for ya. Day 59 I think.
Totally off topic, but gardening is fun on all levels. If the raised beds were not in the front yard they would each have one cannabis plant in there as well. Putting off bark dust because my front yard garden ideas have evolved since laying the fabric down to kill the grass that I refuse to waste water on. The bush pear tomato in the middle has probably 400 flowers on it now, it got the leftovers of my daily Kraken cannabis foliar feeds, as well as several times weekly Bloom Khaos (both ceased about 2 weeks ago). The plant on the right also got both foliar sprays, as did the sweet peppers in foreground. The original tomato plant to far left was sick and had to be pulled just replaced about a week ago with a giant heirloom, hopefully she does ok with the "late" start (about a month behind the others). And some marigolds of course.


This next one is two big tomatillo bushes and two big sweet peppers (all 4 got Kraken and Bloom Khaos foliar love). The small pepper in lower left corner was another tomato originally that died off, this one is a sweet Italian pepper that just went in about two weeks ago, and already has several peppers growing :biggrin: and more marigolds you know it!


This one is two big eggplants and a gorgeous Early Jalapeño (all three got Kraken and Bloom Khaos) and more marigolds... notice a theme? lol Garlic in a 10 gallon Geopot and loads of onions and shallots and strawberries in background.


This one is overloaded!!! 3 zucchinis in a cluster, and two clusters of 3 crookneck squash each, all are loaded beautifully with fruit to come. A little droopy, kinda overwatered, but supposed to be 90F+ today. They all got Kraken as well and a couple doses of Bloom Khaos. A couple leaves need pinched off the crooknecks, otherwise they are doing well. Cucumbers just getting going up fence in background and loving the heat.


This one is one cluster of cantaloupe, and three different varieties of watermelon. I will weed out all but one or two of each variety. I just found seeds from last year that were amazing, too late of course, with little 1-3 pound watermelons I wanted to grow along about 75' of fence this year. Hopefully they are still viable next year!


And last is a giant pumpkin that was planted over a month ago that should make one or two over 100 pound fruit (got Kraken and BK foliar as well), one plant a month old in middle that should make 20-50 pound fruit, and seeds just popping up that I planted two weeks ago roughly of the smaller sized fruits also, should be a good spread of pumpkins for size and variety!


Happy growing of all things everyone, cannabis is just a part of it :smoking:
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