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Did you hear about the guy in Florida that was working on his motorcycle inside of his house? He was moving it on to a stand when it overbalanced and fell on top of him, breaking his leg. His wife rushed in and managed to get the bike off of him and called the rescue squad. The squad took him to the hospital and the wife began cleaning up the gasoline that had spilled from the tank with paper towels and hurried after the squad to the hospital. Meanwhile, on the way to the hospital, the squad was hit in the side by a large truck that had run a red light, popping the rear doors open and letting the stretcher containing our friend fall out heavily breaking the guy's arm. After much ado, another squad arrived and transported him to the hospital without further incident. After having his leg and arm set and casted he was discharged and his wife drove him home. Arriving home, his wife helped him inside where he went to the bathroom. He sat down on the toilet and lit a joint...........a tremendous explosion occurred, killing him with massive burns and scorched lungs! Later, when reconstructing what happened, it was learned that his wife, after cleaning up a large amount of gas with the paper towels, had, in her hurry to get to the hospital, had stuffed the gas soaked paper towels in the toilet, figuring that they would be safe there. Firemen theorized that gasoline vapor had built up overnight in the small bathroom and the guy, being a little buzzed on Percodan, failed to notice the smell and lit his final toke! I saw this in two national magazines after it happened, so I'm assuming it's true!!
Did you hear about the guy in Florida that was working on his motorcycle inside of his house? He was moving it on to a stand when it overbalanced and fell on top of him, breaking his leg. His wife rushed in and managed to get the bike off of him and called the rescue squad. The squad took him to the hospital and the wife began cleaning up the gasoline that had spilled from the tank with paper towels and hurried after the squad to the hospital. Meanwhile, on the way to the hospital, the squad was hit in the side by a large truck that had run a red light, popping the rear doors open and letting the stretcher containing our friend fall out heavily breaking the guy's arm. After much ado, another squad arrived and transported him to the hospital without further incident. After having his leg and arm set and casted he was discharged and his wife drove him home. Arriving home, his wife helped him inside where he went to the bathroom. He sat down on the toilet and lit a joint...........a tremendous explosion occurred, killing him with massive burns and scorched lungs! Later, when reconstructing what happened, it was learned that his wife, after cleaning up a large amount of gas with the paper towels, had, in her hurry to get to the hospital, had stuffed the gas soaked paper towels in the toilet, figuring that they would be safe there. Firemen theorized that gasoline vapor had built up overnight in the small bathroom and the guy, being a little buzzed on Percodan, failed to notice the smell and lit his final toke! I saw this in two national magazines after it happened, so I'm assuming it's true!!
Could have been the gasoline... Or maybe they shouldn't have had Taco Bell on the way home.
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