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Thanks....I think I've narrowed down my first grow choices to dark devil auto and blackberry kush auto........hope to begin around the end of the month!
I have two strains with the word "sour" in the name. Both from Mephisto. Haven't tried any citris/fruity strains, but I am looking forward to these two. Sour Bubbly and Sour Hound.
Unfortunately no my lil 100X mag has gone missing
Might also be able to zoom in with mobile phone camera to get an idea also.
I probably shouldn't laugh at this, but I did... Here are two of the strikes this poor dude got... Highlighted part that made me chuckle.

"In 1972, Sullivan was working inside a ranger station in Shenandoah National Park when another strike occurred. It set his hair on fire; he tried to smother the flames with his jacket. He then rushed to the restroom, but couldn't fit under the water tap and so used a wet towel instead. Although he never was a fearful man, after the fourth strike he began to believe that some force was trying to destroy him and he acquired a fear of death. For months, whenever he was caught in a storm while driving his truck, he would pull over and lie down on the front seat until the storm passed. He also began to believe that he would somehow attract lightning even if he stood in a crowd of people, and carried a can of water with him in case his hair was set on fire.

On August 7, 1973, while he was out on patrol in the park, Sullivan saw a storm cloud forming and drove away quickly. But the cloud, he said later, seemed to be following him. When he finally thought he had outrun it, he decided it was safe to leave his truck. Soon after, he was struck by a lightning bolt. Sullivan stated that he actually saw the bolt that hit him. The lightning moved down his left arm and left leg and knocked off his shoe. It then crossed over to his right leg just below the knee. Still conscious, Sullivan crawled to his truck and poured the can of water, which he always kept there, over his head, which was on fire."

I just can't imagine being that guy.
Retief Goosen PGA golfer was struck twice while playing golf in a couple of golf tournaments . I don't recall were but I bet he wasn't keen on playing in stormee weather .:nono:
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