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Hey bud....going okay are things for you?

Yeah going really good thanks, just been Having a bit of a cold snap here and got a fungal infection commonly known as leaf curl in my Wilma but have given them there first treatment and will repeat twice at seven day intervals, they r only 10 days into it so they will be fine, apart from that just keeping as busy as possible, what’s the weather like there at the moment, looks pretty sunny in your pics?

Yeah going really good thanks, just been Having a bit of a cold snap here and got a fungal infection commonly known as leaf curl in my Wilma but have given them there first treatment and will repeat twice at seven day intervals, they r only 10 days into it so they will be fine, apart from that just keeping as busy as possible, what’s the weather like there at the moment, looks pretty sunny in your pics?


We were dealing with frost last week...but this week its been hot and sunny(for the most part). So far its been a drought season for us. Not much rain at all. Might be one of those seasons!!(my favorite!)
I am working on a soaker hose setup for easy breezy watering...will take some work out for sure if the gravity fed system works as I plan!

Wow, Ive just decided to do the same thing, yeah, I think if you were mathematically minded you would be able to work out how much pressure u would need with gravity etc and volume of header tank, keep me in the loop and visa versa [emoji106]

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