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Since I've been growing them the last year or so, and doing it in an "all organic" way, I tend to have to wait about 7-9 weeks of veg to get them trained and flat, plus de-fanned, primarily because of height restrictions in my room.. I'm doing it a little different this time, and hope to veg about 6 weeks, max..

Topping and super-cropping tend to be my favorites for training photos, as well..

***EDIT*** I should have mentioned.. I typically veg my photos out as long as it takes a run of autos to go, and then I flip.. Perpetual harvesting for life!!!
Speaking of harvesting... I still haven't chopped my Northern Lights. Back has been giving me issues. Kinda hard to stay in one position for more than a few minutes, let alone chop and trim a mini shrub like her haha
In general Indicas will double in size. Sativas Triple... And hybrids somewhere inbetween depending on dominance (sati or Indi) plants that are known to get large I typically don't veg past 2 feet. As 4-5 footers are fun but not if you have smaller ones, as I love variety, it makes for an uneven canopy. Or you can simply veg em for as long as you want or need...

[Chuck207, post: 1826176, member: 39810"]Ushually when to flip is when your plant is half the size/height you want it to be

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That's a good rule of thumb just remember Sativas will triple in most cases...

There are rules of thumb and then there's simple observation. Thats the beauty of photos in that regard. You can go by a standard or by your personal needs.


Hope this helps[/QUOTE]

Very true, guess that is what's nice about growing ur own selection and did I just get wind of your hidden trick for veg time. I kept looking through ur latest journal for veg time on your photos and couldn't find it, I'm pretty impressed with How my sour 60 is and I followed your tips of distilled water and grow bag, and feeding the mega. And my results are I must have paid attention. So trying to do the same with my photos. It varies with my setup vs urs but simple tricks worked out well.i noticed that ur feed schedule using the grow bags made it really nice. My plant seems to use every thing up like it should before the next feeding.
Hello @9bear and All that I missed.

Making cage & support for my outdoor Gurls after losing one to a small animal. :coco:
I have an order with Pev grow placed on May 8 2018 it is june 18 and still a now show and they want me to give them feed back :rofl: and still no order They sure know how to poke a bear with a stick !!! :nono:
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