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Thought I would inject a little sex and more drug usage into the mix.........Gawd, I had the hots for this woman 40 some yrs ago! Feed your head!!
hey all :pass:is the fridge turned on ?
im pretty poor at the smells and tastes decriptions im no coniseur,but i find it hard to smoke a bud that hasnt had a month in a jar if i can do without it :shrug:just something about it.

Half a day on top of the led is as good as it gets at times:smoking:
For the cat owners . :crying:
Then your just not growing enough!

Agreed u should always have enough going in every stage from enjoying to seedlings so that ur always able to try new tactics, imo, but because I'm a bud horder I still have 17-19 quart jars from last fall in the cabin, just curing away, plus all the ones since then, cut one plat one, flower one plant one. Flip one plant one, is my idea.
Sun dried does away with the chlorophyll, no grassy taste!

I used to have a neighbor at one of the old apartments that would sun dry shrimp with trays of them sitting out by the parking lot. I never could imagine a way to clean them that would make me not gag while eating 'em after watching all the flies swarming all over them all day. :baked:
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