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No worries buddy :D
I wasn't sure who needed what so just wrote as much as i could think of about rep and likes. Post morning smoke, so hopefully it mostly made sense


More sense than I could of made straight! LOL!
Had a great time with all of you today!

I need to get moving and see if I can get something, anything done today.:crying:

Hope everyone has a fantastic day and buzz! :poof:
Totally agree :thumbsup:,,
Years ago we used to use maple sugar in milkshakes to help disguise the taste of the ground up portions of a certain southwestern US cactus. Of course. like everything else, it was much cheaper then!
I see no mention of Peyote :D ... Although i think a common sense - look after your fellow members approach is sensible :D

Like ummm - no endorsing crack or such like :rofl:

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