LMAO A Makem

Why does a Mackem lass wear knickers?
To keep her ankles warm!
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What's the difference between a Mackem and a supermarket trolley?
A Supermarket trolley has a mind of its own!
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What's the difference between a bus full of Mackems and a hedgehog?
A hedgehog has has all the pricks on the outside!
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Geordie girl, a girl from Sunderland and a West Indian girl all give birth to boys at the same time in the same hospital. However, the nurses get the babies mixed up.
To sort it out they decide to ask the dads to pick their own child. They ask the Geordie first but he picks the black baby. The nurses argue with him that the baby can't possibly be his,
but he replies, "I know that! One of the other two could be a Mackem and it just isn't worth the fucking risk.
At least them Makem types aren't Monkey Hangers like that Hartlepool lot!