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They do sound slightly like cake, too..

When I was young, I just wanted to fit in. I was a weird kid, and have aged into a weird adult. I remember hearing this and identifying with it right away...

They are woven and quite strong

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]

Oh yeah, I knew what you meant by j-cloths, using them for filtering is one I've never heard if but i've seen claims of them being good for everything up to and including the elimination of viruses from surfaces thanks to their structure actually being "spiky" so it pierces any nasties, but the problem is that there's so many variations on a theme that unless you get the "proper" ones then there's always that little nagging doubt regarding dyes, etc, and that's the concern I have over here.

But what I meant was what was on special offer over here, and since the place is also where I get detergent then it's hardly going out of my way to check what they have as sometimes they do have the genuine article at a price I like, unlike other places which do small packs of the genuine at a price I don't like.

But that's got the head going again and has me wondering about other uses for j-cloths, as in something quick and easy to use to cover the surface of soil/compost in the event of an outbreak of fungus gnats, etc, as they would stop the adults laying anything and prevent larva from getting out whilst being easy to lift up when you water and would still allow the medium to "breathe". Might be an option for those who can't easily get hold of DE, or at least an immediate stopgap the second you see the little buggers flying around...
Did we lose a lot of content? What a pelather.
Looks like we reverted to a backup, Good luck with everything admin team. I know how much of a pain in the ass getting the ship righted again. Cheers for all the effort!

Meantime - smoke one or three. :baked:
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