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Any ideas for a home made 4x4 DTW tray?

Me vs 00 Seeds Autos CocoDTW600w

Find a trunk liner for cheap at Walmart or something. They work just fine.
ok..back into the swing of things....somewhat out of tune with taking care of the girls for awhile, but they seem okay. some quick shitty pics of the Shortstuff Gorilla. Shes at day 65, and still has a few weeks left in my opinion, hope she gains some weight. Megacrop and sweetcady and under 2 autocobs by @BigSm0

Sorry I have not been very active lately. I have made a lot of friends here, and I wanted to let them (and everyone else) know what's going on.

Been dealing with some health issues that keep me rather bedridden when I am not working. I hope to improve soon. I'd rather not talk about it publicly, so forgive me for the lack of detail in this post. I'll be getting all doctored-up soon enough, I'm sure.

In the meanwhile, I hope to poke in here from time to time. Love you all.

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