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The funny part is that I probly wont even use the dragon. I don't drink.

LOL. It's all about the friends and the community to me. I had stored that crap long enough, I got better bud to smoke. I will however use that butter on me pancakes.

You can double-boil the alcohol out... Just keep adding water so it doesn't get too concentrated and once the temperature breaks around 85C there's no more alcohol in there. From there I guess you could just let it dry. Either way, without any alcohol, the goodies will be completely crashed out of solution. Not sure how stable it is in that form, so if you try this, keep the results out of the light, and specifically UV.

I am really anxious to try this myself. If I do decide to cook up the trim from the last grow, I will absolutely try to cook out pure goodness. I still have over half the GG4 based tincture I made back in mid July.
After the day of lab tests and cardiac MRIs and CT scans I have had...I'm ready for a double dose of something!! I'm exhausted......I just hope they have everything they need to do a super good placement of the pacemaker on Wednesday. I was having so many arrhythmias during the CT scan that they had to quit because they couldn't get a stable run of normal beats to shoot the IV contrast to see my coronary no food or worse yet, no coffee since 1am! Finally got home a little while ago and chugged down 2 big mugs of coffee....getting ready to go fix some dinner soon.
One of the many reasons I am glad I don't drink coffee anymore was just how crappy a day would instantly get if I didn't have any in the morning. For some reason, tea doesn't have that effect on me.

My father had a few bouts with arrhythmia in recent years. They "shocked" it back to "normal," as he described it. Fortunately he has not needed a pacemaker yet. I am starting to notice it (or at least I think that's what it is) with me as well. I am sure things will improve once they get ya wired up proper.
Looks like the Strawberry Nuggets is gonna pull through. Pretty sure this was a Ca deficiency, but at first I thought it was bugs. Got the nutes right and as you'll see the new growth is clean as whistle!



Here you can see the brand new growth. Already much farther along than the other leaves were before they started indicating.


Also, the Kush is starting to do it's thing, too..


dont the ganstars roll pure ? yep a bit of a pallava but to be fair dont taste as bad as orange rizla,a bit coffee/chocolately :pass:
OH my do they still sell Orange Rizla? How 1980's :rofl: I remember when Kingsize Orange came out , we used to call them "Bed sheets" the only thing worse was "Rizla King Size Wheat Straw" papers and yes they really did exist
I think they stopped making them, good riddance too!
Before King size rizla you could get slightly longer normal Rizlas, we called them lorry driver Rizlas because truckers preferred the longer ciggie/roll up. They weren't available everywhere but in the more culturally diverse parts of town you could find them!

Back then, we used to build what we called "decks", the classic two or three small Rizlas stuck together, it's a bit of a dying art with the younger smokers as they have all the different type of, king size, rips, see through and pre rolled cones & blunt wraps.
Add to that vaporizers for dry herb, concentrates and canna E-liquids and the fact that many people have kicked tobacco, traditional; joints aren't as plentiful as they once were!
:pass:here you go have a lug on that, remember 3 tokes and pass it on , no one like a Bogart :crying:
i thought it was just a usa-euro thing.going back years weed in its raw form was easily available over there,euro uptill recently 90% of the least in my neck of the woods was hash only,cant really smoke pure hash in a rocket.
but is part of the why we grow our own is so we can knock the baccy on the head and smoke pure weed :pass:
Amen to that Brother! :d5::highfive: on and I gave you a slap for you video too:slap:
The UK is now 90% self sufficient in cannabis and we are one of the largest net exporters in Europe, we love growing weed but the Italians have more weed smokers!
I have some Double Zero at the moment and it is fire, i put it in my pipe, normally I only vape weed!
Around here, the toking method of choice is taking a grape flavored White Owl cigar, dumping out the tobacco and mixing it with bag weed; then packing it back in the cigar shell. When it burns it smells like that cheap ass grape bubble gum you had when you were a kid........Gawd, it's awful!
This is a Spliff I believe my good sir, Ick! :pass::bighug:

Thanks for looking!:bighug:
This is a Spliff I believe my good sir, Ick! :pass::bighug:

Thanks for looking!:bighug:

I have some friends (mostly in Europe) that mix tobacco and weed all the time. The weed is so strong that it's hard to have a satisfying smoking session (time) with weed alone.

I've done it myself, and the results weren't bad. I don't have many choices for brand of cigarette tobacco, though. The tobacco was always the largest contributor to it being a less than stellar mix. For me, anyway.
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