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The days are getting shorter Fall is on its way YAHOO I love Fall Winter and Spring. :worship::vibe:

Could not agree more. I could otherwise just give summer a pass. At least the way summers have gone lately.

Anybody staying up and going out tonight to catch the Perseid meteor shower tonight? Thinking about dropping the top on the Jeep and heading out of town to try and find a dark field somewhere, myself.


Cloudy here - Was planning on setting up a lawn chair and a cooler full of beer to enjoy it. Really is something to see if you can.
Well this is my first time indoor so I think it's just a "growing pains" sort of situation. My wardrobe has about 6 feet of play room so that's all good there. I have my 135w quantum board fully dimmed to what should be about 60 watts and sitting about 2 feet away. That should all be good to go. @Equatorial you have any thoughts on this?

It's really the drying soil that I'm curious about. I can either keep my soil relatively moist (not wet wet) and have my lights off OR have my lights on and have to go back to keep that puppy from drying out. I pop my bean in the root riot plug just as I would have any other in the past and let her do her thing. I have plenty of seeds so that's no worry, I would just hate to waste one .

Sounds good to me. These lights are really powerful. So its a good idea to start low but if its still a seedling, then i suppose it really doesn't matter until they pop up. @Slater and @F.N. imo has it dialed in WAY more than me. Its only my first grow with QBs and second grow of anything in my life. I'm really still a dumbass newb.

As for drying soil...I envy you. I love that soil dries up fast during seedling stage. It makes for bigger plants cos roots will travel to find water. My environment is mostly very hot & humid for most of the day/year and I cannot control these conditions. I'm not in a tent or room. I use an open environment on a balcony that is not visible to anyone other than residents of my home I get good air flow and most likely excellent CO2. No need for air filters, AC, CO2 supplement & all kinds of tent equipment/gadgets. BUT I am also at the mercy of outdoor factors such as temps, humidity, bugs etc. No rain issues cos its covered and under a roof.

I'm sure you'll be killing it!

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I don't fancy myself a "gamer," but I do enjoy games. Not big into multi-player... I am the type that likes to explore at my leisure.

I remember playing the shareware version of the first release of Doom - and have played every iteration of the franchise ever since. Some have been a little disappointing, admittedly.

The reboot that Bethesda released in 2016 was the most amazing single-player campaign game I have ever seen - and it was a DOOM GAME!!!

2018 brings another game to the series, and just like the 2016 release, it is not only an absolutely amazing game, it also manages to add music to the action in a way few games have ever done.

There is a small glitch in the audio in this video, but I believe that was in the original stream. Tell me this doesn't look fun as f**k....

Sure, tease us with shadow pics. Shame on you Fairly. Looking giganticly lovely though.

Here here. I was never one to praise the colder weather, until...I got the grow bug!
That is it bro this time of year and forward is just peachy. I don't like moving them out as they get further along in size my plants unless it is totally necessary my man The Yeatster.
For my next grow... [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]

I would like to do 'Dark Devil', in pure Coco. I want to develop myself as a grower, Since I bypassed, all the trial an tribulations of a 1st time grower. Thanks to my husband @Yeatster :vibe:
Had some family stuff come up so I can't do a proper update to my journals.

Wanted to mention that I have been looking into some other grows with this canuk cheese strain, and it looks like 11+ weeks is the real grow time, and it coincides with what I am seeing on the plant. From what I can see, she's still packing on weight, and we're 4 days beyond 10 weeks here. Can't wait to see what she finally gives me. I will take pics and update the journal tomorrow, hopefully.

So far, looks like 2 zips if I chop now. Maybe a bit more. But as I said, she's still growing.

I can see where supercropping the main cola will wind up hurting me in the end. Yet another point in favor of a taller tent.
What is ypur tent in meteres, and how many watts cobs were ypu running

2.0 x 1.2 x 2.4/ 80 x 48 x 96 its an Ipower 8x4
I was using 2 "3600" cobs which they drew 580 actual watts, they have 12 "300w" Panels each, Ended up buying one off amazon and they sent me 2 on accident, I feel like these babies need like 3 feet under them cause im pretty sure they were burning everything,[/QUOTE]

Ok let me work this out for ypu my friend

The space your talking about can easily withstand 1200 watts of hps.

Cobs produce quarter the heat out put compared too hps. That being said there’s many variants.

I would say ypu atleast 800 m3 squared of air moved every hour,
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