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Here is a list of companies that while they are owed by Monsanto, yet somehow manage to eek out a globally accepted product for growing canna:

* The one you've been bitching about all night
Here is a list of companies that while they are owed by Monsanto, yet somehow manage to eek out a globally accepted product for growing canna:

* The one you've been bitching about all night

Yo bitching about, ypur the one wanting too suck there balls dry.
Not healthy—-Next thing you know you guys will be fighting over whether or not you should top an auto or not.......No need to get derogatory
Morning peeps, lovely morning in the UK. As the late Rodney King once said "can't we all just get along?"

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]
Good morning! Lovely crisp air out there. Already watering the grass and garden plants. Only a few more days of this intense heat to go and then it should cool down a bit.

How about you guys in the U.K.? I am here in Czech. Weather hasn't been as hot as you have had, but pretty hot.
Yo bitching about, ypur the one wanting too suck there balls dry.

Hey bud....please don't be disrespectful in your comments. Sure a conversation like this can get a little heated, but no need to throw down insulting comments.

Up until now i pretty much agreed with you. I don't support any companies that monsanto supports or is part of, simply because i don't agree with their practice(I am a farmer and have read what they have done and continue to do to small scale farmers), and their many poisonous products. However....if one chooses to be okay with the recent buyout of GH or Botanicare(or whoever else they recently bought up), and are okay with the parent company practices, then its not our place to criticize their choice. Yes we should inform them, but if they know, and are okay with helping to make monsanto an even stronger entity in north america, then we should respect their decision.

MIke obviously knows about monsantos relationship with GH, and obviously he feels that the GH products are worth using for their effectiveness versus cost. We should respect his decision, or at least not be disrespectful about the decision he made.

I almost got some GH after reading good things about it, and this is when i noticed an article about the recent buyout and monsanto controlling a bunch of fertilizer companies. I immediately took it off the list to try. Sure i make sure that folks know who is getting some their hard earned cash, but I also respect their decision.
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