So my adventures of using a 1:1 THC/CBD tincture continue. The first time I grew this strain I made tincture. 2ml was just right in coffee. With buds from the last indoor grow, I also made some. I put 2ml in my coffee to test it................. I didn't get off the sofa for 5 hours lol! I was the poster boy for STONED lol!
So next I tried .5ml. Got high from it but nothing like the 2nl dose, quite pleasant actually. And it made me feel like I could go jogging ( God forbid, I didn' ).
Now I'm hunting for a medicinal dose and have it down to .25ml. seems just about right.
I've got a little glass bottle with maybe an ounce in it. At .25ml it will last a long time! I'm using it 2x a day. Just wish I had a cannabinoid test kit, this being the test dummy can be a bit rough lol!
So if your looking for a fast effective way to get your CBD blend, may some tincture! I prefer the fast method as it makes consistent medicine. Cook your buds in hot alcohol, I use a double boiler. You have to keep watch, its easy to boil out the alcohol as you'll only need to make a small amount. I used about 3 grams and 2 ounces of alcohol. cooked 15 minutes as hot alcohol extracts fast. ad extra alcohol as you see the level drop. The tinc was very green yet had little taste, you can't even tell it was in the coffee.
Pain relief is great and the energy boost was nice and unexpected!