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Hey vapo 65/35 sativa dom Amnesia haze x walter white Bx
Nooooooooiice Dave....thanks bro....I thought that by her leaves and the description i just read(thanks @hesgone13 )...looking forward to a sativa side buzz....been growing indica for a bit now cuz they are mostly shortys:bow::pass:
You got the zoso groove glasses Cool!!

I don't know what they are.....It's a set of four......2 of them have "Led Zeppelin United States of America 1977" My late son got them for a Xmas present several years ago.
It’s my weed lol:shrug:

But yes it was her money she spent
Sorry, dude........I had just read something of Bushys and it was stuck in my mind......brain fart.....glad it was her money!!
An 18" deep raised bed 1/2 soil and 1/2 horse manure compost works pretty good too! I've got the best butternut squash vines I've had! already one good sized fruit and thats about 2 weeks early here.

I'll give your method a try next year for my pumpkins, this year its a kiddie pool full of soil and compost, and an occasional dose of Megacrop.

1 is the winner hands down.

Those crinkly leaves makes me think the ferts wert too hot.

I'm gonna give a tip for Cucurbits like squash , gourds and pumpkins. they like load of organic matter anything which is well composted.
They like warm roots and moist feet!
Dig a square pit and fill with compost and slightly firm it as you go but not so it compacts until it is a mound.
Then dig a small trench around where you have filled with compost.
You then take some thick plastic sheet and cover the mound and bury the edges in the trench, keeping the plast kinda taught so any water runs of.
you then cut a small hole at the front and in set a 4" pipe and fill with stones, this is where you water and feed you pumpkin.
Marrows and pumpkins are very susceptible to neck roots and it is when water gets on the stalk it can rot.
By feeding through the pipe you get water and nutes straight to the roots and no neck rot.
Furthermore earlier in the season the black plastic warms the soil and creates a microclimate at night keeping your young plant warm.
At the start this is 100% hand water/feed and you may find eventually the roots may get past the plastic and find additional water but when you want to grow the best it can sometimes mean adopting a method which is labour intensive ie a labour of love.
Dunno if that is any help, oh almost forgot the plastic sheet as long as the soil has been well watered , the plastic sheet stops evaporation from the soil.
As A pumpkin plant is bigger than a courgette plant , maybe wise to have a watering pipe on four sides?
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