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Auto pots make a cover to go over the valve. This will work I've been planning a diy version for a while now. will love to see you do this!

Anybody ever grown anything with Earthbox's? Was just looking at the two I've got that I inherited from mom after cleaning them up to get 'em ready to pack up and move. Thinking about what I might grow with them in the future.

Anyhow...hit me that it could be interesting to see how an Aquavalve from the guys that make Autopots might work in one. Little spot right in the center of the bottom "reservoir" part of the planter that one might fit (dunno...never actually seen one in person to know the size). Biggest issue I see is that with sitting under the dirt screen, getting dripped on and dirt falling possibly from above and no real access that the hard part would be keeping the valve clean and working. Not that it's hard just to fill the res through the tube every day or two or when you think it needs it. But automating is always fun. :smoking:

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Yellowing from the bottom up is N deficiency, from the top down is micro nutrient deficiency could be cal/mag. I'd try a little extra cal/mag and a bit of a micro nutrient if you have a two part grow formula give it some extra of the b part. A liquid based kelp will help for organics. the tips look like light burn
hey all need some quick advice, growing another auto afghan kush ryder , ive noticed some slight tip burn on the leaves and some slight downward curling, and blotchy fading and yellowing of a lot of the leaves. i watered with plain water today and ph'd my runoff and its reading at about 6.3, ive only been feeding no more then 1/2 strength nutes, my leaves obviously arent very dark green so i cant see it being too much nitrogen, could this be a simple cal/mag issue? i have nutes and cal/mag, just having trouble identifying exactly what the plant needs since so many symptons seem to look a like to me.
im growing in soil, and ive attached some pics, any quick advice would be great! plant is 5 weeks 2 days old and into flower nicely, its very short and squat since its a one gallon pot and i decided to try a mainline experiment for fun (not for max yield) if that info helps at all.

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howdy peeps :bighug:


seedstocker's beans at day 25...:pighug:
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