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I know:biggrin: but so long they're not coloured i'm pretty relaxed, when they turn on red i have to be carefull, watched in your profile, no see canna thread running?
That's right bro, I've recovering from a bad back and the heat has been too much.

As I have told others I will start a journal this weekend, I've posted the odd pic in LS but they were pretty young and not a lot to look at.

They are doing nicely and I'll snap a few snaps later, I'm making sure I'm dating any photos I take, so I can add them when I start the journal.

However you are in luck, I just watered the girls, so I nipped back a took some snaps for you.

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4 girls in the bath (I'm currently using this plastic container to water them, whilst they are still in these smaller pots)

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It makes it easier to collect the run off.
When they are in big pots, I will use a wet/dry vacuum to suck it out.
I use Drain to Waste "DTW" with my coco, you can see the run off in the container.

Currently Using Greenleaf "Megacrop" at 1.3EC (650 ppm on the 500 scale, Hanna meters) <<==(Pop22's feed recommendation)
I then add some Plant Magic wetting agent, Hesi Supervit, Ionic Cal-Mag Pro (cal, mag, chelated iron, 3 sources of calcium (inc chelated calcium), Specific amino acids (in bioactive L-form), Seaweed extracts.<<== (Pop22 has said he hasn't need to add any cal/mag with mega crop but belt and braces, I added some).

Substrate: Compressed "Coco Coinz" by Coco Guru (fully washed & buffered with calcium) 10 coinz makes 1 Liter of coco, 500 in a box = 50 Liter, very small box which is great for delivery.

Growstones GS-2 (Arearation) holds 70% more air than perlite and they are made from recycled glass.

At this stage the girls are in 7" deep long root pots and the capacity of the pots is 1 Liter.
When potting them up they will go into Autopot pots but I'm not running the full auto pot system (which I have) but instead I actually like feeding by hand and checking how they are when I do.

I am now watering every day and feeding everyday.
Drain to waste is in the 20% 30% as I like to make sure any unused salts drain through, avoiding salt build up.

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30C in the cab, which is 1.4C cooler than yesterday!!

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2 girls now out of the draining box and back under the light. Each plant is getting light from one of the LED clusters, 4 plants, 4 clusters.

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2 other girls. In the background you can see after the door was open a while the temp dropped to 29.8C.
Humidity is low for veg so I will be wetting the floor of the tray, to increase humidity.

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A shot between 2 of the 3 SANlight S4W's (there are 3 in the cab, 1 is out of shot).
Due to the hot summer temps, I'm only using 1 light bar, I'm getting to the point where I will need more light and will need to turn on another light bar.

However the current summer temp won't allow it, as each light raises cab temps by 3C. I am hoping the weather will cool down but it is looking very unlikely.
If I can't get more light in there for the girls, crop yield will be rubbish!

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Two girls from above.

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the other two girls (not a great pic but you get an idea)

Hope you liking this bro, the journal as stated before will start on the weekend.
I like to list all the gear I use and all the nutes, substrates, cab dimensions, light details and specs, measuring equipment and anything else that comes to mind.
I like adding all these details so everyone can see what I use and then people don't have to keep asking throughout the grow what I use (goto post 1, it's all listed there, type of thing).
In this grow I won't be using my "Auto Dwarfing" technique which I developed (I previously called it "Stunting" but that doesn't sound so great).
Some of you may have seen this technique in some of my journals and @912GreenSkell has been rocking this technique in his indoor journals (you really should check them out!!)
Why won't I be "Auto Dwarfing" "Trippy Gorilla Auto"????
Well on the seed pack, it refers to "Trippy Gorilla Auto" as the "Tyrion Lanister" of Auto's.
Seeing as that is the case, I had best not make it any smaller than it is!
If they are not as small as stated, then I have another 5 beans of this strain and I can cut my cloth accordingly and bend her to my will, once I have seen how she grows.


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Can you put up some pics? How old is the plant?

The GG4 has fans like that too. Just enormous. Nice looking plant, too.
I can send pic after 130. Around days in the 70's have to look on my tablet calendar. Didn't start preflower till like day 60 or so. I had calmag issue, and did some hard supercropping may have slowed her. I was using megacrop and never flipped. Gave her AN sensi bloom and she flipped.
Pepper fan and pot head party game....Popper russian roulette.

Group of dudes sitting around smoking some good, munchie inducing bud. Batch of bacon wrapped, cream cheese stuffed jalapeno poppers sitting on the table just waiting for the munchies to kick in. of them is a ghost pepper hidden in the batch.

*insert evil grin*

Have a little read of this

As you’re aware, your plants grow by absorbing compounds from nutrients, water, and the atmosphere. These compounds become part of your plant tissues.

As your plants age, they accumulate excess nutrient salts and other substances that decrease the quality and value of your endproduct.

At times, this accumulation is visible as overfertilization or other crop failures. More often, it is an unseen burden that infiltrates your crops from the inside out.

This insidious burden causes crops that have offensive taste and odor; crops that burn with black ash or are hard to keep lit; and crops that irritate and damage your respiratory system, causing coughing and other health issues.

Can you recall a time when you almost coughed your lungs out? It was polluted crops that did it.

Many growers try “flushing” their crops or they use all-organic nutrients to deal with accumulated salts that affect finished crop quality. Unfortunately, most forms of flushing, or the use of all-organic fertilizers, does not purge crops of harsh residues.

^^^^^^^^^^ agree with the theory of flushing

For one thing, the most common way that growers flush their crops is by giving their crops water that has no nutrients in it. But this doesn’t fully cleanse your crops. It only starves your plants so they lose vigorous floral growth and resin percentages just before harvest.

^^^^^^^^^^^^ Pop and mark there’s the point ypu guys have been trying too make.

Other growers use flushing formulas that generally consist of a few chemicals that sometimes have the ability to pull a limited amount of residues out of your plants.

These primitive flush formulas remove plant nutrition, resulting in smaller harvests and decreased harvest potency. Not only that, but they don’t provide the full-spectrum, value-enhancing cleanse you’re looking for.

Truth be told, the stuff that stores in your plants comes from fertilizers, water, and the atmosphere, and organic fertilizer has no crop-cleansing properties in and of itself.

Fortunately, there’s a better way to ensure that your harvests are crystal-pure.
I've read the Advanced Nutrients sales pitch as well. I'd love for them to explain how they cleanse plant tissue. Not even being snarky here. So far as I know, they are the only ones making this claim. I don't know enough about plant biology to really know if its possible or not. The marketing department at AN is probably counting on that as well.
Pepper fan and pot head party game....Popper russian roulette.

Group of dudes sitting around smoking some good, munchie inducing bud. Batch of bacon wrapped, cream cheese stuffed jalapeno poppers sitting on the table just waiting for the munchies to kick in. of them is a ghost pepper hidden in the batch.

*insert evil grin*

Haha yeah I would be down to play this one

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